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Heart Strings

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“I would do it for another employee, Lottie. You deserve all of it and more.”

I told him about working with Brianna, and the plans Logan and I had. He listened, actually listened, even offering a few suggestions and saying he would call Brianna to set up a meeting with her.

“Would Logan be amenable to meeting with me?” he asked.

“You would have to ask him that.”

He accepted my response. “If you ask him to call me, I would appreciate it.”

I wrote down Logan’s number. “Call him yourself.”

He stared down at the piece of paper. “I will.”

His phone buzzed, and he picked it up, listening, then spoke. “I’ll be with them in a moment.”

I stood. “You need to get back to work, Charles.”

“Dad,” he corrected, startling me. “No more Charles.”

“Dad,” I repeated.

“Let me get my car to take you home.”

“No, I’m fine.”

He sighed. “Still stubborn. Leave the box, and I’ll drop it off. I don’t want you carrying it on the subway.”

I agreed to that and stood, slipping on my coat. My father walked me to the door, suddenly nervous again. He stood with his hand on the knob, not opening the door.

“I’ll miss seeing you around the office, Lottie.”

“Then we can look forward to seeing each other outside these walls.”

“You’ll still come to the party, won’t you?” he asked. “You always enjoy it. You, ah, you can bring Logan.”

“We’d love to.”

He bent slowly, giving me time to back away, and kissed my cheek. “Let me know you got home safe, please.”

“I will.”

He opened the door, meeting my eyes. “Thank you.”

I could only nod, my emotions too close to the surface to talk anymore. I waved to Lorie and headed to the subway. I felt tired again—drained, but more at peace.

I could hardly wait to tell Logan. I sent him a fast text telling him I was on the way home, then joined the lineup for the train. I had so much to tell him.I heard him before I saw him. The sounds of him strumming his guitar greeted me as I stepped off the train and headed to the stairs. I came around the corner and met his whiskey-colored eyes. He was propped against the wall, the way he always was, his guitar case open, smiling and tilting his chin in acknowledgment as people dropped in coins and bills. But when he saw me, his smile grew wider and he began to sing, his rich voice filling the station. It was one of his older songs, one I had always loved. It was melodic and beautiful, the lyrics poignant, and his voice was perfect for it.

Smiling, I sat on the bench I always used and listened. I shut my eyes, letting the music flow over me. Any residual stress from the day melted away, and my shoulders relaxed. As the notes faded, I opened my eyes and watched as Logan shut his case, slung it over his shoulder and walked my way.

Tall, sexy, he walked with confidence. He stopped by the bench and bent low, cupping my face and kissing me. “Hey, Snow Queen.”

“Hi,” I breathed out.

He sat, linking our fingers.

“You’re here.”

“Where else would I be? This is where we started. I thought you’d need me again.”

“I’ll always need you.”

He grinned. “Good thing. I love being needed by you.” He paused. “Things go okay?”


He studied me, brushing a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “You look tired, but not upset.”

“My dad sort of surprised me today.”

“Like your mom?”


He nodded. “Amazing how clear things become at times. As scary as it was, you collapsing might have woken them up.”

“I think maybe the news about Nugget did as well.”

He smiled wide. “Told you. Our kid is magic.”

“I guess he is.”


“Or she.”

He turned, shifting closer, dropping his voice as he placed his hand across my stomach. “How is my nugget?”


“I think I can help there. How does Nugget feel about a burger?”

“Extra cheese?”

“You know it.” He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Diner?”

“Can I have cake?”

“You can have anything you want.”

I squeezed his hand. “I have everything I want right here.”

He kissed me. Long, slow, lingering, and sweet. “Me too, Snow Queen. Me too.”EpilogueLoganLottie looked up as I strode into The Java Way, the bell above my head announcing my arrival. She smiled widely and waddled around the counter.

There was no other word to describe it. Lottie waddled like a duck these days. She was so tiny, she’d looked as if she were well into her second trimester before she’d even finished the first. Now, with only a few weeks to go, she looked as if she were ready to burst. It made me smile every time I saw her.

I bent down, kissing her upturned mouth. “Hey, ducky.”

She laughed. Brianna had nicknamed her first, teasing her constantly as she filled out.

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