Sinners at the Altar (Sinners on Tour 6) - Page 67

“I wasn’t trying to make him bleed,” Starr said. “I just got a little carried away when he was coming. I’ve never seen a guy come that hard and in my line of work, I’ve seen a fair share of male orgasms.”

“Aggie, it’s really okay,” Jace said quietly.

“I disagree,” she said, glaring at Starr over his shoulder. “But it’s too late to prevent it now. Let’s go clean you up so you don’t get an infection.”

Good idea. He hated hospitals, and trying to explain to a medical professional how his whip lashes had gotten infected might be a bit embarrassing.

Chapter Two

Aggie winced as she eased Jace’s hips back and his soft cock slipped from her body. She was going to be walking funny for days after being fucked so vigorously. It had been entirely worth it, and she knew how worked up he got when taking his pain with pleasure, but apparently watching her bring another domme to her knees with a whip-induced orgasm had taken him beyond even that. She grinned to herself and reached for a towel to catch the cum trickling down the inside of her thigh. Jace had released one hell of a load inside her, and she didn’t want to get it all over her leather boots.

He flushed as he looked down and realized what she was doing. If they’d been alone, it wouldn’t have bothered him, but they still had an audience, and she was sure that now that he’d regained his senses, he’d struggle with that.

“Put your pants on,” Aggie demanded of him in her most authoritative Mistress V voice. “I don’t want to have to look at your cock unless it’s hard and ready to fuck me again.”

She noted the look of relief on his handsome face as he obeyed her by doing exactly what he wanted to do. Starr seemed impressed by his sudden willingness to obey, but Aggie knew that he wouldn’t have put his pants on unless he wanted to. The women ogled his perfect ass as he slipped into his jeans. They sighed in unison and then laughed when they realized what they were doing. Jace glanced at them over his shoulder as he fastened his fly. Aggie winked at him and approached to take a closer look at the crisscrossed welts on his back. Several of them were close to bleeding; she could see tiny beads of blood just under the skin. Only one lash had actually breached the surface. It was far less serious than when he’d made her lose her head during their first session. Starr’d had more restraint than she’d had. Of course Starr had had warning about the way he took his punishment and Aggie had gone in blind. That was still no excuse for drawing blood, Aggie chastised herself for the thousandth time. She’d promised him—and herself—that she’d never draw blood on him again.

“God, I’m still horny,” Starr admitted as she followed them out of the main dungeon and to the room where Aggie disinfected her implements and the occasional bleeding scratch. “Can you help me take the edge off, Ice?”

Aggie stiffened. Making Starr come to excite Jace was one thing; getting her off after a session, another thing entirely. Aggie had already told the woman that she didn’t want Jace to know that she and Starr had once had a sexual relationship. It had been a long time ago, but it was the one relationship Aggie had never shared with Jace. Probably because no one had ever hurt her the way Starr had and because for almost a decade, Aggie had been trying to forget it ever happened.

“A spare vibrator I can ram up there. A fucking fist,” Starr muttered. “Something.”

Aggie’s shoulders sagged with relief. That had been a close one. Starr had almost let Aggie’s secret slip in front of Jace, and she didn’t want to have to try to explain it to him. She was still a bit puzzled about it herself.

“You have ten perfectly functional fingers,” Aggie reminded her.

“You’re really going to make me do this the old-fashioned way?”

“Do you remember how?”

Aggie eased Jace down on a stool and went to rummage through her first aid kit for supplies.

Starr chuckled. “If I need help, Jace can remind me how to please a pussy. He seems to know what he’s doing.”

Aggie glanced at him so she could watch him blush and stare uncomfortably at his bare feet. She grinned to herself, loving that look. She had a difficult time making him blush these days, but others could still set him off without a problem.

Aggie turned back to her first aid kit and within a minute heard the unmistakable sound of a wet pussy getting worked over. Aggie closed her eyes and shook her head. Porn stars had no shame.

“Do you have to do that here?” Aggie asked casually and moved to stand behind Jace so she could tend to his back.

“Your man put me in this condition—I think he should have to watch me come out of it.”

But Jace wasn’t watching. He was staring intently at the floor. His face was so red, Aggie was surprised it didn’t burst into flames.

Starr started making her obviously practiced porn sounds, moaning and groaning far more than the action of her fingers dictated. When she began to fuck herself with the handle of Aggie’s whip, Jace turned on the stool so he was facing the opposite direction and crammed his fingers into both ears.

Starr’s mantra of, “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, oh yeah, I’m coming,” didn’t faze Aggie in the least, but she found Jace’s reaction of chanting “La la la la la, la la la la la,” amusing.

She grinned to herself as she saturated his cut with antiseptic spray. Jace’s spine straightened involuntarily, and his fingers slipped out of his ears just as Starr let out a final cry of release and then slowed her motions to bring herself down.

“Hope you like your new whip,” Aggie remarked. Even if she could easily clean the remnants of Starr’s orgasm from the handle, she’d never be able to hold it in her hand without thinking about where it had been.

“It’s not as good as cock, but sometimes you have to improvise.”

Jace snorted and then curled toward his knees as he was captured by an incontrollable case of the giggles. “Eric is never going to believe this,” he said.

“What he’s not going to believe is that you didn’t watch her come, Tripod,” Aggie teased, using Eric’s nickname for Jace.

“He’ll take away my man card if he ever finds out.”

Aggie slipped her arms around his neck and kissed his ear, missing the closeness they usually shared after sex. “Love you,” she whispered.

He glanced over his shoulder to observe Starr, who was still playing with herself, but a bit less enthusiastically than before. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I’m just… tired.”

She hadn’t expected him to vocally return the sentiment—not with Starr as a witness—so she didn’t press. Later, when they were alone, she’d make him say it a hundred times.

“Then you’d better head upstairs and take a nap,” she said. “I’ll need you well rested for what I have in mind for later tonight.”

He reached up and clasped her wrist. “Just us,” he said firmly.

She smiled and kissed his ear again. “Just us,” she whispered.

His body relaxed before her. She hadn’t realized he’d been so tense until his muscles went lax. While their experience with Starr had been incredibly intense and sexually satisfying, it had lacked the intim

acy she and Jace usually shared. It warmed her heart to realize he craved those moments of connection—of tenderness and love—as much as she did.

Maybe she should marry the guy. He’d told her he was ready whenever she was, but something about being labeled as someone’s wife didn’t sit well with her. It seemed too ordinary for what they shared. Too conventional. Too… subservient.

Jace stood from the stool and stretched his arms over his head, ending with a wide yawn. “It was nice to meet you, Starr. Thanks for not taking it easy on me. I’m going to head upstairs for a nap.”

“Nice to meet you as well, babydoll,” Starr said and lifted her hand from her very exposed pussy to offer Jace a shake.

He took a step backward and nodded at her. “Yeah,” he said to the floor, avoiding Starr’s amused eyes. He opened the door to the small lobby where clients waited for their turn in the dungeon. Today it was empty except for a black and white cat who released a piteous meow the moment she laid eyes on her long absent human. Jace scooped Brownie off the floor and cradled her against his bare chest as he carried her to the stairs.

“Did you miss me?” he asked the cat.

“Brow rowww rown,” the cat responded.

“No shit?” he said, as if he and the cat had a shared language only they understood. “No tuna at all? That sucks. I’ll have words with her about that.”

“Browww—” Brownie’s unusual meow was cut off by her loud and persistent purr as she rubbed her face against Jace’s jaw, one of her claws caught securely in his gold hoop earring so he couldn’t escape her affection.

Through the dungeon doorway, Aggie watched them ascend the stairs until they were no longer visible. Starr’s hand on her shoulder wiped the tender smile from Aggie’s face.

“He’s a cutie pie,” Starr said, her breath hot against Aggie’s shoulder. “No wonder you gave up your independence and career to serve his needs.”

Aggie stiffened. She hadn’t given up her independence or her career. Well, she didn’t strip for a living anymore, but she didn’t really have time for it when following Jace around the world as he toured. And maybe the number of clients she served in the dungeon had been reduced to a trickle, but any time she wanted to take on a dominatrix job, Jace didn’t complain. The weird thing was, she no longer got the same joy out of being domme to those who’d pay her tribute. Not unless it was Jace under her lash. He gave her everything she needed to feel complete. Shit, maybe Starr was right. Maybe she had gone soft. Maybe she had given up her independence and career to serve Jace. And maybe it wasn’t any of Starr’s business, because for the first time in her life she was happy.

Tags: Olivia Cunning Sinners on Tour Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024