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Sinners at the Altar (Sinners on Tour 6)

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Special thanks to my beta readers Cyndi McGowen, Wendy Christy and Jill Anderson for helping me make this the best book possible. And to my patient and talented editor, Beth Hill. One day I will learn how to use a comma properly. Or should that be: One day, I will learn how to use a comma properly. Consider my punctuation weaknesses, your job security.

Much love to my fans and readers, who bring a smile to my face every day with their love and enthusiasm for a fake rock band. If Sinners were real, I believe they’d need more condoms and tighter security.

And extra thanks to my family and friends, because they’re the ones who have to listen to me bitch when the muse isn’t cooperating or when I’m on my fifth edit and I’m convinced that every word I’ve ever written sucks. I appreciate you all.

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