The Bratva's Captive (Wicked Doms 3) - Page 23

I shake my head with mock regret. "It's so sad you've chosen to end your night with punishment. This could have gone so much better for you."

Though she writhes and spits like an angry cat, it's so easy to subdue her it's almost laughable. I unfasten her cuffs one at a time, turning her belly-down on the bed. When she wriggles in my grasp, I give her three sharp swats to her ass so hard she gasps and freezes. Though I long to admire her curves and valleys, I have to teach her a lesson before I do.

I cuff her wrists again, before taking each of her ankles and securing them in the cuffs at the edge of the spreader bar. She's now spread-eagled and furious.

"You're a son of a bitch!" she screams.

I chuckle at her little temper tantrum.

"Anything else you wish to say?" I ask nonchalantly. I stand beside her, rolling up one sleeve then the other. "You do know by now I won't tolerate this kind of disrespect, don't you? You know you've given me no choice but to mete out the discipline you're begging for?"

"This is where you rape me?" she taunts. "Oh, how brave and manly."

I kneel on one knee beside the bed and brush my hand over her mass of unruly waves. "Rape you?" I whisper in her ear. "No, little one. Though the thought of gagging your mouth with my cock until your eyes water and you choke down my come sounds somewhat appealing." I wrap my hand through her hair, holding her hair so tightly in my hand, the merest tug would yank her head back. With my free hand, I draw my knuckles down her cheek. "I won't reward you with my cock. Not yet. You'll have to be a good little girl to earn that."

"Earn that?" she tosses back at me.

"Yeah, baby," I drawl in her ear. "Earn that. But for now, all you've earned is one good, hard session."

She grates her teeth, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

I can't allow her to behave this way. Her defiance will undo our entire operation and puts not only me and my brothers at risk, but her as well. Ironic though it may be, as my prisoner she's under my protection. The world of our brotherhood is fraught with danger, a clear hierarchy is in place for the good of all. We have a chain of command, for very good reason, and this little girl is on the very last rung.

I could gag her, and in time I will. But tonight is about training that mouth of hers. I need her to choose to learn her place. I retrieve a jeweled plug and a bottle of lube, prepare the plug, then kneel on one knee beside her. Lifting her, I place her on her knees, still restrained at the ankles, but I want access to her belly and breasts.

"What are you doing?" she says when I place the lubed end of the plug at the entrance to her tight asshole.

"Teaching you submission," I say nonchalantly, as if there's nothing at all unusual about plugging her ass in punishment.

To my surprise, she says nothing when I glide the plug in, though her back goes rigid and she whimpers a little. If ever there was a submissive button, I just pressed it. Cuffed, spread-eagle and plugged, it would take an iron will to defy me now.

Her firm ass looks beautiful adorned with my plug, I imagine fucking that tight pussy of hers from behind, gripping her hair while I thrust into her hot, slick folds.

"How are you feeling now?" I ask her, giving her ass a condescending little pat just to piss her off.

"Fuck you," she says. "You can do whatever you want to me, but I'm not going to cave easily."

What is it about her that makes her so feisty? I aim to find out.

I chuckle to myself, shaking my head.

"Not so easily tamed, are you?" I go to the leather bag of tools I ordered and look at my choices, taking out a pair of rubber-tipped nipple clamps attached by a slim silver chain. Her eyes widen for only a brief moment before they narrow on me again. Her lips thin, as her jaw clenches defiantly. Wordlessly, I attach the nipple clamps. I watch as she flinches when the rubber-tipped fingers grip the first hardened peak, before I attach the second. I stand back to admire my handiwork. Cuffed by the wrists, her legs bent at the knees and trussed up behind her, fixed in the spreader bar by ankle cuffs. The jeweled plug sparkling like diamonds, the dangling chain from the nipple clamps at her chest.

All she's missing is crisscrossed pink stripes across her ass to perfect the look. That, and cheeks flushed pink from climax. But she's nowhere near earning that.

Tags: Jane Henry Wicked Doms Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024