The Bratva's Baby (Wicked Doms 1) - Page 8

A man steps over to me. I blink up at him, and when he meets my eyes, he scowls. He’s wearing a knit cap and a black coat, a muffler pulled over his mouth, but all I see are his cruel black eyes.

He spits something out in Russian, and there’s a scuffle of footsteps, then Kazimir looms into view. I don’t know Russian, but whatever he says to the man has him scurrying away so the two of us are alone. I look at his eyes when he stands over me and quickly look away when they blur with tears.

He betrayed me. But there’s no repentance in his gaze. My pulse races when I realize this was what he intended all along. He’s scowling and stern when he bends down to pick me up, and his accent is thicker than I’ve ever heard, barely intelligible.

“Do not fight me,” he says. “No screaming or flailing. You do exactly what I say.”

Even when he was friendly I knew he was a man to be obeyed.

He stands with me in his arms easily and walks toward the exit. Where are we going? My breath goes ragged and my eyes water. I’m helpless and terrified, trying to talk but the gag muffles the sounds I make.

“Silence, Sadie,” he growls, walking with large, purposeful strides. But I can’t. I can’t stop trying to stop him. I shake and twist, trying to get away, begging and pleading against the gag because I don’t know where I am or where we’re going, but I know if he takes me, there will be no coming back. I can’t let him do this.

A man behind him mutters in Russian, and Kazimir swivels to give him a piercing look. He rasps out a few sharp words. The large man challenging him bows his head like a chastened puppy and walks away. Kazimir commands this group of men, and I’m at his mercy.

We’re in the dark, cold night, but the moonlight glances off the gleaming silver body of a plane.


Panic explodes in my chest as Kazimir takes us closer.


I’ve never been on a plane. They terrify me. And I know in my gut that if he takes me on that plane, I’ll never escape. Without contact with the familiar, I’ll be his prisoner. Maybe I already am. The knowledge makes tears leak from my eyes. I double my efforts, shaking and twisting, trying to scream, but I can’t get away.

With a growl, he flips me over his shoulder and his large palm smacks my backside once, twice, three times.

“I said no fighting,” he says. “You are mine now, Sadie. You will obey me.”

I’m quickly subdued by shock with the rapid spanking he gives me.

Shocked into reluctant submission.Chapter FiveKazimirMy timid librarian isn’t so subdued anymore when she sees the plane, but her flailing body responds to my correction. My palm tingles from spanking her shapely bottom, and the brief correction ignites in me the desire to punish her more. Harder. Harsher. I inhale the cool air deeply, and control my impulses. There will be time to train her. First, I get her home.

Her little body trembles over my shoulder and I tighten my grip. I will not coddle her, but her submission is for her own good.

When I begin the ascent toward the plane, she flails again.

“Enough,” I rasp out. She stills. “You will come with me.”

All she can do is moan, her speaking silenced by the gag. My men stand at attention, ready for my command. One eyes her shapely form over my shoulder, but a sharp look makes him tear his eyes away. None of them will touch her. None will even look at her. Sadie belongs to me.

At the top of the flight of stairs leading to the plane, I slide her down so I can cradle her in my arms, the heat of her body pressed up against mine making my stomach tighten. I hold her close, clutching her arms. A warning to obey that feels much too similar to an embrace. When her eyes meet mine, I read more than fear. If I take her gag off, she’ll assault me with a litany of profanity from her virgin mouth. I’d have to punish her if she swore at me, and space is limited on a plane like this, so for now she’ll remain gagged.

I slide my palm against her scalp and weave my fingers through her hair. Gripping. Warning. I inhale the scent of her fear and sweet feminine innocence. I want to take her mouth with mine until her knees buckle.

At the tight pull, she stills. I glide my second palm to the small of her back. So delicate. So fragile. I want to lick that sacred place and mark her. I swallow hard and issue a ragged command.

Tags: Jane Henry Wicked Doms Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024