Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1) - Page 5

“Mamá. It’s time. Make the preparations.”

“Hijo. You have found her so soon?” I find it telling that she knew what I meant without asking one question. Just tells you what she has had on the brain. “Why the rush? Is she already carrying my grandchild?” This woman and her need for babies. You’d think she would be thrilled that her first born has found his one, but no of course it is all about the babies.

“Mamá...of course not. I just met her two weeks ago. What do you take me for? An animal? What did you raise? I figured I would give her three weeks before I bred her.” I knew that would get her going. She is such an easy target. Although I don’t actually plan to wait.

“Aye. Parásito. So much like your father. Ok. I will make for two weeks from now. Anything I should know? How old is she? Does she have a favorite color? When am I going to get to meet her? It is my prerogative to make sure she is a suitable wife and mother. Sí?”

“Sí mamá. Pero, no ahora. Not right now mama. I need to make her see first. Okay? And better make it more like 2 days. Before you yell at me, know I will let you throw a lavish party later. I need this done pronto. It is the only way the restlessness will leave me. Can you do this mama?” I wait a moment. She could go either way on this. That woman is a loose cannon.

“Claro que si, mi hijo. Te hablaré más tarde.”

“Hasta la mañana mamì.” After telling me she understands and is waiting to hear from me soon, I tell her I will talk to her later. That woman can be a drill sergeant if we don’t stop her before she gets going. I feel sorry for my sister. She gets it from everywhere as the only girl.

Now that mom has been set upon, I need to get some security on my girl until I am ready for the extraction. I need to have eyes on her at all times in case someone tries to hurt her or make her do something she doesn’t want to do. There is only one person I trust to handle this both discreetly and diligently. My brother. God help us. If people think I am a monster, then they haven’t met my little brother. He is a savage. He doesn’t give a fuck and it shows. His body count is twice that of mine and most of the time he likes to be up close and personal. Yeah. He literally uses his hands. He walked into my father's house one day with the heart of a hitman out to kill my father in his bare hands. Though to be honest, I can be more of an animal when it calls for it. Needless to say, my mom freaked about the blood staining her floors and my dad congratulated him. Me, I think the dude needs help or to get laid.

“Ramone. Hola hermano. Como estas?”

“Estoy bien, hermano viejo. Y, tú?”

“I’m me. You know. But I am in a bit of situation. I need you.”

“Who is it?”

“Your future little sister.”

“No shit. That’s fast. Who the fuck is it? She got a 24k pussy or what?” I know he is trying to get me worked up and though I know it, I still cannot stop the irrational rage I feel at his lack of respect for my future wife.

“Watch your fucking mouth. Do you hear me? That is my future wife and the mother of your nieces and nephews. Show some respect Estúpido.” Fucking asshole.

“Whoa, calm down. It was a joke. Shit. Sorry. Of course, I am wherever you need me. Send me the coordinates. How many do you need?”

“One always on the house. One always with her. And one with her father.”

“Done. And Sax, no shit, congrats man. Can’t wait to meet her.” Little prick. But that dude is solid gold. My siblings and I have a great relationship. There are four of us and we all hold our own place within the family.

I am the oldest at 33 and the second in command as the enforcer. Next is Ramone. He is 30 years old and the assassin, so to speak. As big as that fucker is, he can be in and out in five minutes and you would never even know he was there. I should know, because I have been on the receiving end of his practical jokes one too many times.

Then there is Julio. He is the family attorney as well as our inside man if you will. Working for the DA’s office, he gets first-hand knowledge of anything going on. Indictments, investigations, etc. Because of the sensitivity of his job, my father has allowed him to use my mother’s name, Montenegro. At 27, we are all extremely proud of him and not being connected to us by name, helps with not jeopardizing his position.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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