Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1) - Page 7

“Hello douchey Jared. How would your kind be today?” As much as I didn’t want her to answer the phone, I love this girl. I am trying very hard not to giggle, picturing his face. They hate each other and I can just see his pale, plain, country club face turning red and getting mad because she called him that. It is almost worth the price of admission.

“Whatever, plastic boy. Here is Lexi.” I glare at her and roll my eyes while taking the phone, because she has now left me with no choice.

“Hey Jared. What’s up?” I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster for him.

“Nothing sexy Lexi.” Ugh. Seriously. I roll my eyes, which puts Lara into a fit of giggles. Jared can hear her, and he is none too happy. Not like I care.

“I told you that you should stop hanging with her. She is obnoxious and I don’t like the things she tries to get you to do.” Who the hell does this dude think he is? Like I would ever take advice from someone who thinks Rogaine can grow chest hair.

Ignoring him, I try to get to the point. “So, what did you call for, Jared?”

“I wanted to see if you would have dinner with me tonight? Your dad made reservations for us.” No. That is my initial reaction. But I have been doing some thinking, and I figure maybe I can convince him we would be a bad match. He can then tell his dad and this whole debacle would be over. I mean seriously I didn't even know they still did arranged anything anymore and the fact that my dad is making me do this, is worse. You have no idea how many arguments we have been in about this very thing. The end result being, that if I don’t make this work with Jared, I will be homeless. He says I owe him for giving me life. Can you believe him? Never mind the sketchy things being said around town about Jared’s dad and kidnapping women and children. But what can I do?

Against every fiber of my being, I say, “Yes.” Knowing in the end, my dad would not have given me a choice. I can’t wait to not need him for anything. “Great. Your dad got us into Grande Italiano. However, I felt Mia Culpa would be more high class. Most people can’t get a table there for a year. I have a standing reservation.” Ugh! God give me a break. He thinks this makes him seem important, but what it really shows is that he doesn’t have to put in much effort. He doesn’t try to make the girl he is with seem special. Instead, he needs to make himself feel better.

“Ok. Sure. What time?” I can’t stop the sneer on my face.

“Seven, baby.”

“Yep. Bye.”

I look over at Lara and she quirks an eyebrow and I roll mine at her. After all it is her fault for answering the phone.

“Sooooo, going to dinner with the douchetard huh?”

“Shut up, Lara. I am trying to convince him that we are not good for each other. Seriously, he has to want to be with someone who actually wants him. Right? Plus, You know daddy dear is not going to give me a choice. God, I wish I was going with you.” I whine putting my head down.

“My dear naive friend. Men like him don’t care. All men like him want is a woman that they can put on a shelf unused, then bring her out when they need to have something all nice and shiny to show off. You know. Kind of like your mom.” For fucks sake. She is exasperating sometimes. Especially when she is right.

“Well, I am hoping he is different enough to get it. Now come on. I need a new pair of Jimmy Choo’s.” I sincerely hate shopping and do it as little as I can. But when I am stressed, that is my crutch.

Three hours, two pairs of Jimmy Choo’s, and a new haircut later, my shopping day is over. Lara and I part ways when she drops me off and immediately I can feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Initially, I look around and I see no one. Of course, I am hoping for it to be Saxson, but no dice. But I do feel as if someone is watching me and on the off chance it is him from his house or something, I put an extra bounce in my step, flip my hair, and go inside.

“Alexis. Alexis ... Oh there you are. Where have you been?” Oh brother. Now he wants to act the concerned father. Please.

“I was out with Lara. We went shopping. Why?”

“Why? Well ...um...I was worried about you. You left and no one knew where you went, and with us having some unsavory characters in the neighborhood now, I have to keep an extra eye on you.” Doesn’t take a genius to figure out who he is referring to.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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