Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1) - Page 22

He goes into the bathroom to run the bath. I must have dozed off since the next thing I know, he is carrying me into the tub.

“You have to stay woke baby. I don’t want you falling asleep and drowning my kid.” I am about to ask him if he is joking, but the look he gives me has me agreeing.


“Good girl.” He kisses my head and walks out. I slide down a bit, stretching my legs and enjoying the hot water. I could get used to this.12SaxsonWalking out of the bathroom, my chest begins to hurt. It no longer pisses me off that her being out of my sight causes my chest to hurt. It is what it is. My father told me this is what love feels like. He says not to run from it because you just make yourself miserable. Before getting in the shower, I call my parents to make sure everything is in order.

“My boy. How are you?”

“I am fine mama. How are you doing?”

“I am fine my boy. I burned my hand a bit on the stove. Your father worries too much. It was barely a burn. How is your future mi hijo?” I love that my family is so supportive. Calling Lexi my future is my mom's way of letting me know she is on board.

“Esta bien, mama. She is well. I was calling to be sure you and dad got everything in order for two days from now? Do I need to do anything else?”

“A shame. You don’t trust your own parents?” Oh boy!

“Mama. of course, I do. I just want it perfect.”

‘Of course, you do my son. Everything is great. Call your brother. He hasn’t been home in a week. I worry about him.” I don’t need to guess which one.

“Yes mama. I love you and see you guys soon.”

“I love you son.” After hanging up with her, I call Ramone, like my mom told me too.

“Sax. Aren’t you supposed to be off, somewhere being a pussy-whipped errand boy.”

“Ramone. Spoken like a true lonely bastard. How goes it little brother?”

“It goes. What do you want?” Asshole.

“First, your mom said come home. Second, I was just making sure you are still ready for everything.”

“Yes, mama’s boy. I am picking up her best friend tomorrow first thing in the morning. We will hop the jet and be there no later than early a.m.”

“Good. Do you need anything?” He will once he sees who he is picking up. I think, my chest heaving up and down in a silent chuckle.

“I need to borrow Rocco. Lawrence in Texas has decided to start hooking the strippers from our joint. I need Rocco to handle it since I am busy being your assistant and babysitter.”

“I will send him a text. Maybe you should get some. You might not be so grumpy. Adios.”

Knowing everything is coming together, I hop in the shower, aware of the fact that it has been too long, and she needs to get out of the tub. I wash up in record time, stroking my cock a couple of times, reprimanding him. He wants back in his new favorite place but, she is going to need a reprieve for the rest of the night. In the morning though? It’s on.

Sure enough, like I thought, she is knocked out, water ice cold. I grab a towel and lift her out of the tub. She still doesn’t move. I lay her down, dry her off and move her under the cover. When it is clear she isn’t going to wake up, I shut off the lights and lie behind her pulling her ass to my cock. Morning can’t come fast enough.“Fuck.” Stroking my cock, my hand comes back sticky and full of her dried juice. I smirk remembering how I tried to give her until morning before taking her again. I tossed and turned for hours, waiting for the sun to rise. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who couldn’t wait. Sometime during the night, she turned to me, eyes low from sleep but clouded in lust and began stroking me up and down. I tried to tell her that her pussy needed rest. My sexy as fuck brat wouldn’t listen. She climbed on top of me, lowered herself over my eager, hard, and misbehaving cock and demanded I show her how to fuck me. What the fuck kind of man would I be if I didn’t oblige.

With my hands on her hips, my teeth gnashed together in a futile attempt to reign in the control I want to exude, I slowly moved her up and down my cock, my eyes glued to the way her tight snatch is stretched over my rod. Watching as her sticky juice was running down, pooling at my waist.

“Sax.” She moaned, her hands in her head, lulling back with her eyes closed. She looks like a dirty goddess, taking her pleasure from me. Sweat dripping down her chest, nipples beaded and bouncing with each movement she makes. My mouth waters wanting those buds in my mouth. My mind conjuring up images of them dripping with sweet milk as they get bigger, filling itself to feed my sons.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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