Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1) - Page 28

“It’s as you suspected. The Smith’s are into some shady shit. One of which is being mob connected. They have been funneling cocaine through the ports along with underage girls for their side business. I have called my friend Eco. You remember him, right?” I look at Ramone and nod my head. Of course, I remember him. His older brother Benecio and I went to business school together years ago. We became quite close. Having realized who one another was, we still occasionally talk. We introduced our younger siblings one summer. Hoping they too, would learn how to be there for one another but be discreet.

“Yes. I remember. How is his brother?”

“Not sure. But he did tell me, his father is sending him and his brothers on a task that involves each of them kidnapping the daughter of a rival family,” he shrugs his shoulders as he turns back to look inside the store. I chuckle marveling how normal something like that is to the both of us. I turn and see Lexi and Lara laughing at one another and my heart skips a beat. Seeing my woman so happy and safe, is more than I can ask for. I am about to finish this conversation with Ramone when the girls come out of the store.

“Hey baby.” I pull her to me and take her mouth against mine. I hear the bags she was holding hit the floor as her arms wrap around my neck. Our tongues, seeking one another. She pulls back from me. Lips red and plump.

“Come on Sax. We have to go home to get ready for your family and then I want to get ready for the club.” With that, she grabs Lara who has been standing by the car with her head down, and hops into the back.

By the time we make it home, the girls run upstairs to get ready for my family to get here. Ramone and I decide that instead of having my mom cook and such, she should also be able to relax. So, we ordered food from the family friend who also happens to be a chef on the island, and he is delivering everything now. I hear the first car as it pulls up. Walking up to the door I open it.

“Hijo.” My mom says in her mom voice like I’m still a small child. She pulls my head to her mouth, kissing my cheeks. I look behind her to my dad, but of course he is no help. He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. “You look good my boy. This girl, she makes you happy, I can see. Where is she? Where is my new daughter?”

“Getting dressed mama. She will be down soon.” She walks past me into the villa. My dad comes in next.

“My son. Is everything ok? Ramone filled me in on your progress with the parents. Have you spoken with Eco?” He wonders, asking me if my Valladares contacts have reached out.

“Ramone has spoken with him papa.”

“Very well. Let’s leave this business for after your wedding.” Kissing both my cheeks he makes his way into the kitchen. I am about to close the door when I see my sister walking up with a contrite looking Manny. I widen my stance crossing my arms. I don’t bother looking at her. He is the one that left his post and betrayed us. Dead bastard.

“Stop it Sax. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me. You, of all people, know how persuasive I can be. Remember the bomb in the ice cream truck?” She giggles. I look down at her and feel some of the mad leaving me. My little sister as always been my personal shadow. She used to follow me everywhere when we were younger once she began walking. When she could talk and think, she became my sidekick. Always coming up with crazy ideas that I indulged to keep her busy and out of trouble.

“Topolina. Why would you put our parents though this? You know the world we live in. The dangers that lurk. Why remove any trace of yourself and put yourself in harm's way?” I ask her, rubbing my thumb down her cheek.

“That’s just it Sax. See, you just called me little mouse. But I am a 22-year-old woman. You all insist on treating me like a baby still. I can’t take it anymore.” My heart lurches for her. I have always hated to see her so upset. Turning my attention to the pretty boy that signed his own death warrant, I ask him.

“What’s your fucking excuse? Why would you lay your life on the line to follow her?” He looks to Juli first, their eyes talking to one another. This is a good sign. She nods slightly and he turns back to me.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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