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Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1)

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“Well I know my boy catered dinner tonight, but I couldn’t stop myself from making homemade pasta. Everything is set on the table. Let’s eat,” his mom says. We all walk to the dining room table and sit down. I sit to the left of him as Lara sits beside me. I can’t help looking at her, hating how she seems to be so withdrawn into herself. It just makes my blood boil even more at Ramone. He has no idea how much it took for her to come out of her shell this year. He has somehow managed to reverse all of it. And in one flight. Jackass.

At first, dinner is going great. Everyone is talking except Lara, of course, other than when addressed directly. Even then I can see she is faking it. Julissa and I try to engage her in conversation. We talk about her plans for college, what she wants to major in, anything we can think of. She eventually begins to open up and the conversation moves. We decide that once Sax and I come back home, we are all going to go out and celebrate my marriage with a girls night. Kind of like an after the fact bachelorette party. I am just about to suggest a place when Ramone the asshole pipes in.

“So, Julissa. Want to tell the table where the fuck you have been? What the hell possessed you to turn off your tracker? I mean what the hell were you thinking?” Her body tenses up and I begin to feel a bit uncomfortable. Like I shouldn't be here for this. She opens her mouth to speak when the guy she came in with speaks first.

“We can certainly talk about this, Ramone, after dinner if you would like, but I will have to respectfully request that you do not use expletives at her.” The whole table is in a state of suspension. It's like, when a villain freezes the hero in motion. Their father is hiding his mouth behind his hands and I don’t know if he is scowling or smiling.

“What the FUCK did you just say to me?” Ramone says standing up. Feeling a bit anxious, I put my napkin on the table and make to stand up to leave. Saxson puts his hand on my leg and shakes his head.

“We will not do this here, brother. Now is not the time. You are making my woman uncomfortable and this is about her. Besides, like it or not, Juli is a grown woman. We have to start respecting that. Now, if you would kindly sit so we can finish dinner.” Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach as I look at my man beside me. I love that he just took up for his sister. I look toward Ramone and his face, menacing and pissed. He looks at his parents, clearly waiting for them to take his side. His father merely gestures for him to sit back down.

The rest of dinner is a bit tense, but there are no more outbursts. His parents, I can tell, are having a hell of a time keeping their mouths shut, but I also know it is because they are trying to make this pleasant for me. Julissa tries to break the tension with stories about Sax and I must say it works. We all end up laughing and talking, listening to tales everyone has of my man growing up. The closeness this family has is to be envied. Before I know it, we have finished dessert and his parents are setting off to go to the villa down the beach.

“Mama. Papa.” Sax says as he kisses them each. His mom walks up to me and hugs me.

“Sweet girl. Why don’t you come down the beach with me and Sergio? You know it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding. Bring your friend as well.” Oh boy. I absolutely do not want to go down there with her. But now, I am not so sure I can say no. Can I? I mean, would his parents find it rude or disrespectful? I can feel the air being sucked out of me as the panic begins to set in.

“Mama. I am sorry, but we have plans for the night and tradition or not, my woman will not be sleeping away from me. Ever. Now you go to bed you two. You promised to help in the morning, and I don’t want you oversleeping.” He teases them as they walk out the door. I can’t help the giggle when I hear his mother say to his father, “Heathens. All of them. These are your genes, Sergio.” Saxson shakes his head as he closes the door. As soon as the door is closed, I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. For a split second as our tongues dance the tango and his hands roam my body causing me to shiver, I forget that we are not alone. He pulls back, his forehead to mine. “What was that for princess?”

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