Dirty Little Brat (Dirty Series Book 1) - Page 44

“Yes. Don’t remind me.”

“Well turns out it was a BDSM club.” Say what now?

“Why the hell would she take you somewhere like that?”

“I asked her to.” She says the last part so low I almost miss it.

“Why would you do that and not tell me, Lara? I am your best friend. You can tell me anything.” Is it crazy that my feelings are hurt right now?

“I don’t know. I guess I just wasn’t ready to talk about it. I have always felt that there was something different about me. Something I needed from a guy, hence the reason I dated Clinton for a bit.” Oh God. He was such a dick. He treated her like shit, talked to her like garbage, and touched her like she was nothing. Thank God I talked her into NOT giving him her virginity.

“Ok. So, what does this club have to do with it?”

“Well I started doing research online about it a few years back and found something called a sub. This was right around when Fifty Shades came out. Everyone was talking about it and I never got to see the movies. Anyway, finding out what a sub was led me to a dom, which led me to BDSM and a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, I remember my cousin saying something about it once, so I called her. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to a club she frequents, and I said yes. The first thing I saw when I went in was a woman on a cross, being whipped by her master. I was so entranced and not sure what to do, that I just stood there. Out of nowhere, some guy walked up next to me and sniffed my neck. Jesus, Lexi. I thought I was going to melt right there. When I turned around, he was literally the most beautiful man I have ever seen.” It is all starting to hit me where she is going with this and I am not sure I want to hear it.

“He asked me my name and how long I had been coming there. I told him Lara and it was my first time. He walked me to a part of the club that was dark and quiet and when his mouth hit mine, I thought I was going to die. I don't know how long he kissed and groped me, but I didn't want it to stop. Then suddenly, he looked me in my eye, and asked me if I was a virgin. It never occurred to me to lie. So, I say yes. It was like a spirit washed over him. He was a completely different person. He walked me to the door of the club, grabbed my ID from the bouncer, took a photo of it and had him escort me to my car. That was the first and only time I had seen him. Until he picked me up for your wedding the other day.” She takes a deep breath and sags as she gets it all off her chest.

“Holy shit, Lara. You must have been shocked as hell to see him.”

“I was. Even more shocked to know he was going to be your brother in law. It’s like, I don’t know. He doesn’t want me, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me either.” I nod my head, because that is totally how he is acting. I am about to ask her what happened last night when he and Saxson come back into the room.

“Lamb, it’s time to go. Do you have everything?” He says to her as he walks into the room. Instantly she becomes...different.

“Yes. I have everything.” She whispers as he walks up to her and touches her chin.

“Good girl. Then let’s go.” He turns to me and opens his arms. “Welcome to the family little sis. If you ever need anything, call me.” I walk into his embrace and hug him. Though I am upset with him and not sure how I feel about whatever is happening between him and Lara, I am also shocked at how much it affects me to have a big brother now. One that seems to want to be a part of my life and is acting as if he cares. It’s a foreign feeling for me. He then turns to Saxson and they say something to each other as I turn to Lara.

“I love you, girl. You are my best friend. More like my sister. All I want is for you to be happy. No more secrets. Promise?” I say to the one person who has never let me down.

“No more secrets. I swear!” She promises with her hand over her heart. I watch as they leave and suddenly my stomach begins to bubble. I can feel the tickling in my arms as the awareness of the fact that we are once again alone sets in. The thing is, I know what I want to do. I just have to figure out how to.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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