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Nick's Snow Angel

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“I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.” She says wiping my face off. Once it is all off, we are simply left looking at one another and once again I am left in awe at her beauty. Moving her hair from in front of her face, I realize I still don’t know her name and given how young she looks, I am hoping that she is at least 18. It would be fucking torture having to wait until she is of age.

“Will you tell me your name, beautiful and your age?” I whisper, not able to make my voice go up an octave.

“Snow. Snow Angel,” she says. A soft smile showing up. “I am 19.” Thank fuck. Wait...what did she just say?

“I’m sorry. What did you say your name is?” I ask, my shock showing on my face. She smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

“I know. My mom was obsessed with Christmas and couldn’t help herself. Since my father was not in the picture, she didn’t have another parent telling her not to do it,” She explains giggling. Well hell. Here I was calling her ‘angel’ in my mind and it is actually her name. It’s meant to be. “You going to tell me your name, Mister?”

“Nick. My name is Nick. And you, my angel, are mine.” Not waiting for her response, my mouth touches hers and everything in me wakes up. Parts of me that have been dead for the last ten years, has been given new life. I can feel the blood pumping through my body. The warm, thick feeling of being alive again after so long. I just have to find a way to keep her.SnowOh my. His mouth on mine feels so right. I know I should probably move or something, especially given that I don’t know him, but I can’t bring myself to stop this wonderful moment. As our mouths acquaint us with one another, his hands go on a venture of their own. He slides down my back, moving over my hips to my ass, where he rubs his bulging pants against my own. The moan that leaves me cannot be stopped, but it also alerts me to the fact that I can barely breathe since neither of us has stopped to breathe. Removing my face from his, I gasp for air.

“Wow. That was….”

“Amazing.” He finishes, rubbing my cheek.

“Yea.” Is all I can think to say. I move to get up, knowing he must have somewhere to go, dressed in his suit and all. Standing, I begin to fidget, not sure what to say. I want to ask him not to walk away. Take me with him. Something. But I have never been the outspoken one. The way I have acted with him, a snowball fight, kissing, so out of character for me. He stands up and brushes his pant legs off, his eyes never leaving me.

“Where do you live, Snow?” His voice makes me shiver more than the cold weather.

“Right over there.” I point to the little apartment building to the left of the park.

“Very well. I will walk you home so you can pack a bag and then I will order us an Uber back to my place,” he says so matter of factly like all of this has been decided. I am momentarily stunned, my mind not wrapping around the words he just spewed. Am I going somewhere with him?

“Uh...I don’t understand.” I roll my eyes at myself. Even to me, I sound immature. Way to go Snow. He smiles, rendering me wet and needy. He should walk around permanently like this. His smile is...everything. Striding directly in front of me, he grabs my hands and pulls me further into him.

“I know we just met. I get how unorthodox this is. But I have never...and I do mean never felt like this before. When I walked upon you making that snow angel, something inside of me labeled you mine. That is not something I can ignore, and I am not willing to let you out of my sight for the rest of the weekend. Are you?” His eyebrow quirks up like he is challenging me. I could be a smart ass and tell him I don’t feel anything…but...what if...he is my future too? Am I willing to risk it just to appear in control?

“What happens after the weekend?” I ask him, deciding to just be honest.

“Well, I haven’t quite gotten that far, but why don't we discuss it over dinner and breakfast and lunch and dinner again. Sound good?” I can’t help but nuzzle my face against his hand that is holding my neck. I don't know what the hell is happening, but I know I don’t want this feeling to end.

“Ok. I will come with you.” I answer right before his mouth touches mine again. My arms find their way around his neck and I simply bask in his embrace. The way he swamps me in his hold, making my whole body warm up and light up all at once is breathtaking. His tongue sending mine on a mindless chase full of promise. Pulling apart, he whispers in my ear, “It’s not like you really had a choice, baby” before popping my ass and grabbing my hand for the short walk over to my building.

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