Nick's Snow Angel - Page 8

“Thank you, for making my every dream come true, better than I could have ever imagined. I love you too,” she says leaning into my kiss. Using this as my opportunity to get her back on her back, I begin dropping the straps of her gown, before she smacks my hand away. “Nice try, mister. I am going upstairs to fix my hair and then we have to go. You are the guest of honor by the ways” she says before walking away.

The past six weeks have been amazing. I asked Snow to marry the morning after our first night together and she said yes, both of us recognizing how nuts people would think we are, but neither of us caring. She had no family and besides my sister, I didn’t care if mine made it so, we were married a week later at the courthouse with my sister Grace and her wife in attendance. Exactly four days ago, we found out Snow is pregnant, and we couldn’t be happier. I would rather stay in bed and celebrate tonight like we have been doing for the past four days, but my company is having a Christmas party and they are honoring me for the charity I started a year ago that I thought no one knew about.

See, at this time ten years ago, my best friend was killed in a car accident driving home from college. Turns out he was drunk after leaving a Christmas fraternity party. He slid into a ditch and died on impact. Christmas quickly became a time of pain and heartbreak. I started the Joshua Sober Foundation. It is geared toward equipping fraternities and sororities with the funds to hire a driver that can make sure they all get to where they are going safely and without incident. Apparently, the college has been posting it and I wasn’t aware. So, now my wife is making me attend this party when I would rather feast.

“You ready to go, love?” she asks walking back into the kitchen.

“I would rather be going into you, Wife,” I answer grabbing her waist.

“Hey. I just fixed my hair. Come one, Nick. I want to go and show off my husband, then we can leave. We don’t have to stay for the whole thing. I promise.”

“Fine. Let’s go.” We get our coats on and get in the back of the town car. She has no idea how hard it is for me not to take her right now. I mean, she could ride me and not mess up her hair. Hmmm.

“Don’t even think about it. I know that look,” she says smiling at me and wagging her finger. Before I know it, we are pulling up to the building and walking inside. Time to put on the smile. I hate parties is the thought I am having right now. Until she turns around and looks at me. Then everything lights up and I would do anything for that look. Anything. I never pictured my life past working. Certainly, didn’t imagine someone as special and beautiful as her was out there waiting on me. I thank God every day, for keeping her safe until I found her. Now that’s my job and I will do it until the day I die.EpilogueNickFour Years Later“Oh, Nick. She is so beautiful,” my wife says, staring at our baby girl just born minutes ago. I look at them both, my heart soaring at the love I feel for them both. But I am also feeling a bit ...sore if you will. I have four girls. All the apple of my eye. I am simply wondering what does a man have to do to get a son around this place.

“What are we going to call her, babe,” she asks me, looking at me like I have the answers to everything. I mean, to be fair, I have been the one to name all of them having had the thoughts in my mind since the moment we met. Our firstborn was aptly named Christmas. She likes to be called Christy. Then there is Winter, Holly and now this one.

“Angel. She should be named, Angel.” I say kissing the top of my daughter’s head.

“I love it, Nick. She really does look like an Angel, doesn’t she?”

“She really does. Thank you, baby. “I love you.” I kiss them both once again, taking advantage of the silence before the rest of the clan get here with my sister and the room is full of girls and noise. “Just promise me next time it will be a boy,” I ask her practically pleading. She looks at me in mock horror.

“Next time? What makes you think there will be a next time?” she asks, pretending she doesn’t already know the answer to that. But it’s ok. I’ll play along.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
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