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Loved by the Plus Sign

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“I would never hurt her, Pedro. She was brought to my E.R. that night because she is meant to be mine. I want to protect her from the asshole whose life I am going to take. Jesus, Pedro. You know.” Doctor Mark says to him clearly distressed by the thought of something happening to her.

“Yes. I do know.” Pedro responds looking right at me. I suck in my breath, trying to keep my body from waning. “Look, give Vanessa your number and let her call you when she has had time to figure this all out. How does that sound?” He says talking to the both of us. I nod my head not trusting myself to speak. As soon as they walk out the door, I lean against it exhaling all the air I have been holding in, my head spinning and dizzy. Why did that just feel like something else? Something...epic. Like my life just changed.1VanessaTwo Weeks Later“Do you have to go to the newspaper club today?” I ask Lily as I pack up my bag to leave school for the day. It has been two weeks since the day my sister and I picked her up from behind the bleachers and so far, she seems to be flourishing. Her bruises and injuries are healing nicely, and she is even smiling more than I have ever seen her smile. The one thing that takes that smile right off of her face, is when we have to go and talk to the lawyer my brother-in-law Travis hired to strip her father of his rights and give me temporary guardianship over her until her 18th birthday in a little more than sixty days.

“No. They canceled it for the spring fling tonight.” She says her voice a bit wistful as she looks off in a daze walking to the car.

“Oh yea. I forgot that was tonight. Did you want to go? We could go shopping right now. Find you a dress or something.” She shakes her head no. “Are you sure? It’s your senior year. I don’t want you to miss anything.” I am about to bring her in for a hug when one of two male voices that have been a constant for the past few weeks intercepts.

“Yes, she is sure. She has no need for a dance. Isn’t that right, Lily.” I turn to face Mark, as he has told me to call him.

“Well it should be her decision don’t you think?” I cross my arms, so he knows I mean business.

“I agree. I believe she did decide. She said no. Besides, she and I have plans already. Didn’t she tell you?” He looks at Lily and smirks, more than evident she didn’t tell me anything.

“Lily. Is this true?” I ask her, making sure my voice is low and soft, so she knows I am not upset. I am not her mother and I am not trying to be. However, I feel more than responsibility for her. She is like...the little sister I never had. I want her to know she can talk to me. “Lily?” I say her name again and touch her shoulder wanting her to look at me.

“Yes.” she whispers her eyes finally meeting mine and grabbing some more of my heart.

“That’s fine, sweet girl. I just want to be sure it was your choice and you didn’t feel pressured into it.” I say the last part looking at Mark.

“Two weeks and that is what you think of me. I would never force her to do anything. You know that. Don’t you baby?” He pushes her hair back from her forehead and I have to admit that the adoration and devotion I see coming from his eyes even makes me envious. She nods her head and blushes.

“Well great then. Alright. Do you need anything? Here. Takes this twenty. Just in case.” I say trying to hand her money. Before she can reach for it, Mark pushes my hand away.

“She doesn’t need money. There is nothing she could ask for, need or want that I won’t die trying to give her.” With that he escorts her to his car next to mine and opens the passenger door. This guy really gets my goat.

“As her guardian, I have a right to know where you are taking her.” I say not moving so he knows I am serious. I hear him grumble with his back turned to me. I look over at Lily and see she is giggling. She always says that the banter back and forth between the two of us is funny.

“If you must know, we are going to the movies because my lady over here wants to see the Little Women remake. Afterwards, we are going to go to my place.” I see red warning signs buzzing all over my mind.

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