Brock's Leading Lady (The Nanny Tales 1) - Page 22

Chapter 10DeltaI was up, getting coffee downstairs after Brock fucked my brains out for the umpteenth time this morning, knowing that I needed to get my head on straight, when I heard the car pulling into the driveway. Luckily, I had thrown on some yoga pants and a top because sure enough, it was his brother Jesse bringing home the kids. I barely made it to the door before they were running in the house.

“Hi, Delta,” his daughter Railynn says as she ran to me and hugged me like she had known me her whole life. His son was a bit more standoffish, but I totally get it.

“Is my brother still asleep?” Jesse asked me as he ruffled Jasper’s hair.

“Uh. No. I am not sure what he is doing right now.” was all I could say without saying too much. He winked at me, nodded his head, hugged the kids and left. It had just dawned on me that I was the only adult down here and this is technically why I am here. Turning toward them, I sucked it up and got used to doing my job. “So, who wants pancakes?”

“Can you make chocolate chip ones?” Rai asks, clapping her hands.

“I can if there are chocolate chips here.” I then set about trying to scope out all the ingredients it took to make pancakes. Thankfully, I found everything and as I was finishing up, the lord and master of my body himself walked into the kitchen and I literally had to face the stove to not fall apart and beg him to take me against the fridge. After filling me up, talking to his kids and deciding he is going to go to the zoo with us in a couple of hours, he leaves for work. Now, here I am, with his kids staring at me waiting for me to do something and for once in my life I am so confused.

“So, do we call you Delta?” Jasper asks me, as he is building with his Legos.

“Please call me Delta. So, tell me something, what do you two like to do for fun?”

“I like to play with my dolls.” I look at her and smile. I loved dolls when I was little. Not that I really had any, but my friends did.

“What about you Jasper?” He doesn’t answer me right away. I get the feeling he is going to be the one I have a hard time reaching.

“He likes to build things and to draw.” Railynn tells me so matter of factly.

“Awesome. I love to draw. I can show you some of my drawings sometime, if you like.”

“Sure.” He answers still not looking up. At least it’s something.

“Any place you guys like to go?”

“We love the zoo, museums and parks.”

“Awesome. I love those two. Well, since we are waiting for your dad to come home before we go to the zoo, anything else you would like to do today?”

“Can we go swimming?” Jasper shocks me and asks.

“Absolutely. Uhm... do you two know how to swim?” Shit. I should have asked him that instead of screaming all night and morning as he made my body come alive. I am still shaking as I think about it.

“I can. Rai just needs a floaty, they are in the pool house.” Thank goodness.

“Great. Well why don’t you two go change, let me clean up down here and we will go swimming.” They both hop off their breakfast bars and run upstairs. I take a second look around me, taking in how much has changed in barely 24hrs. I wash the dishes and put everything away. Walking up the stairs to see if the kids are ready it hits me; I don’t have a swimsuit. Crap. Not sure what to do, I go to River’s room and am stunned to see Jasper and Railynn already in it.

“What’s going on in here?” I ask walking further into the room. I notice that Rai is on the bed looking at a book filled with pictures of Queens and Princesses. When I look over at Jasper, he is simply staring at my sister like she holds the secret to life. I can’t help but smile. I love sweet crushes.

“The kids came to ask me if I was going swimming with you all. I told them of course. Then Rai here saw my research binder and as you can see, she is quite intrigued.” I nod my head agreeing with her.

“Are you two all set?” I ask trying to break Jasper’s trance.

“Yes.” he whispers his concentration never wavering once. I shake my head and tap him on the shoulder.

“Very well. Can you two give River and I a chance to change and we will be right with you.” Reluctant and with much groaning they both leave the room. As soon as the door is closed, I turn to River. “I don’t have a swimsuit or anything. For that matter neither do you.” She laughs at me and gets off the bed shaking her head.

Tags: ChaShiree M Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024