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Brock's Leading Lady (The Nanny Tales 1)

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“Really, Delta. You think a man like Brock wouldn’t be ready for stuff like this? The kids say in the pool house out back there are brand new suits and such. Jasper said something about their old nanny telling him he should stock them for parties or something.” That makes sense. I guess. But then why is my stomach rolling around at the thought of other women being here in barely anything with him? Oh boy. Am I already this into him? I need to get a grip. “You coming?” River brings me back to the present. Nodding, I follow her out of the house. The kids are already out back, putting on their life jackets.

“Alright guys. I am going to go inside and find a suit to put on. River would you sit out here with them?”

“Sure thing.” She ruffles Jasper’s hair and I can’t hold in the chuckle as his face becomes the shade of a tomato. I am so not shocked when I walk into the pool house and it is basically a store. I mean there are any and every swimming toy you can think of on racks on the wall. Turning to my left, I then see racks of swimming gear as well as suits. Diving gear, bikinis, one-piece suits, two-piece suits that cover more. Anything you can think of. After putting on a one piece, I grab a floating chair, two noodles, some goggles and sunblock and walk out.

“All set. Thanks River. You can go and change now. Are you two ready?” I ask the kids as my sister walks into the little house.

“Yes.” They both answer the excitement evident.

“Excellent.” The three of us descend the stairs into the pool and a sigh escapes my mouth. The water is unusually and invitingly warm.

“Do you know how to swim?” Rai asks me as she puts her face in the water. She comes back up and spits water at her brother who smiles at her before continuing to walk further in.

“I do actually. I was on the swim team in high school.”

“That is cool. Can you show me how to swim?” So stinkin’ cute looking at me like I hold the answers to the universe.

“I sure can sweetie.” I answer walking over to her.

“She really can. She taught me when I was your brother's age.”

“Thank you.” I smile at River before turning back to Railynn.

“Awesome. Can we start now?” I laugh at how darn cute and anxious she is.


“Yay!!! I like you, Delta. I wish you were my mom.” She lays that on me and walks toward the wall leaving me speechless and trying to fight back the tears.

Is it crazy that I wish I was her mom too?Chapter 11Brock“Mr. Phillips, Mr. Granger is on line 1.”

“Thank you, Lacey.” Turning toward my phone I answer.


“Sam.” I use his same tone of voice letting him know I don’t appreciate the chastisement I hear coming.

“I don’t think you should do this. At least not without us going over the potential threats and consequences.”

“Don’t you think I know the threats. I haven’t gotten to where I am by not thinking before I do anything, Sam. Your job is not to second guess me. It is to do as I say and make sure my money is protected.”

“I get that, Brock. But as a good friend, I am also to look after you. I was there, remember. I watched what you went through with Karinna. Both times. I saw how it fucked with your head trying to figure out how to be a single father and not lose your business.”

“Sam.” I try to warn him once again, really not trying to ruin the mood I came into work with.

“I know you don’t want to hear it, Brock, but what do you know about this girl? You met her what, once at an interview that was supposed to be about her being a nanny and suddenly you have decided she is going to be your wife. I mean, I have to ask, are you ok?” My eyebrow goes up, not that he can see it. I clear my throat hoping he gets that he is walking dangerously close to the edge. A warning he obviously doesn’t heed if his next comment is any indication. “For all you know she could turn out to be just like…” I can feel my body beginning to tense up. He doesn't even get to finish his sentence and I know what he is trying to say.

“ENOUGH!” I yell into my speaker phone. I know my staff can hear me through the door, but damn it, I am not in the mood for this. I want to get this morning over with and get home to my family. My whole family. “You will watch what you say about her. Delta is nothing and I do mean nothing like Karinna. She is kind, sweet and I know she is going to be a great mom to my kids and the ones we are going to have together. Hell, she was 17 raising her little sister in a fucked up home and took her out of it the first chance she got at 18. You and I both know Karinna never gave a shit about anyone but herself. Let alone our children. So no, Delta is nothing like her my friend. Let me be clear. You would do good to remember she is now mine and we both know how I am about things and people who belong to me. Don’t we?” I ask him, knowing he will remember the actor who tried taking Karina from me not too long after we first got together. Well needless to say last I heard he was working as a garbage man. “So, I am done with this discussion. You know what I want you to do.”

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