More Than Most - Page 2

“I know,” he whispers in my ear making another one surface. He opens the door to an office, and ushers me in. I don’t breathe out before his hand is around my neck and he is pushing me up against the door. “Where have you been all my life, Lil Bit?” His question makes my heart go thump, thump. I stare into his face, my eyes moving down to his lips wondering what they would feel like on mine. “You feel it too, don’t you?” My head moves up and down as I push up against him. I gasp when I feel his cock pushing back against me. “Not here, Lil Bit. Soon.” The last thing he says before his mouth slams on mine. The minute our mouths meet, everything in my life seems to brighten. His hands move under my ass as my tongue chases him. Hell. even his mouth tastes like 100% man. I wrap my legs around his waist and move, the friction of his steel bar against my clit almost too much to handle.

“Curtis.” I whine his name hoping he can decipher what I need faster than I can figure it out. His mouth leaves mine as he looks at me.

“I know, Lil Bit. Come.” His last words before his mouth lands on my neck and he pushes further into my underwear. I scream and shake, not giving two figs that people are outside the door. He swallows my shouts, sucking my tongue into his mouth. He holds me until I am done shaking, kissing me, and rubbing against me. “No one gets to hear that but me, Lil Bit.” My head falls on his shoulder as I try to catch my breath. Eventually he lets me down, kisses me and tells me he will be back when my car is done. Somehow, I let myself build this fantasy that when he came back in here, he would swoop me up, take me home with him and we would live happily ever after. Stupid, I know. But at the time, after what just happened, it seemed plausible. So, imagine my hurt, when it wasn’t him that came back to get me, but some guy named Mike. he gave me my keys, told me the bill had been taken care of and sent me on my way.

That was almost a month ago. The first week, every time my phone rang, I jumped and answered it, hoping it was him. I drove by the shop numerous times, tempted to go in but never did. The end of week two, I admitted to myself, finally that this is probably just something he does. Scolding myself and berating myself for still thinking about him. Here I am, almost four weeks later and apparently nothing has changed. I step outside the bar we are in needing some air. I hate coming to places like this. However, my roommates love it and I love them so occasionally, I let them talk me into it. I only came this time to try to see if it will help me forget about him.

“Are you going to come back in?” I turn and face Carla, one of my best friends. Smiling at her, I can’t help but envy her. She has always been the most beautiful out of the three of us. Her long blonde hair has always looked like gold to me. When standing in the sun, with her emerald green eyes, she looks like an angel. Let’s not get started on her golden skin tone and toned body. The total opposite of me.

“Yea. I will be there in a minute. It was just so stuffy.” I say trying to get her to go back inside so I can sneak off.

“Well be careful. The guy that has been staring at you since we got here left when you did.” Good. I am not in the mood to have to turn now anyone tonight.

“I will be ok. Go back inside before Monique comes out too.” No one wants that. Monique can be a bit… brash...if you will. Let’s not forget loud.

“Are you sure you are going to be ok out here alone?” I shake my head at her mama hen-ness coming out.

“Yes. I swear. Go, Carla. Go finish having fun.” she takes another second before bouncing back inside. Releasing a deep breath, I lean against the building and close my eyes for a second.

“Not a good choice, Lil Bit, being out here alone. It's time to go.” My eyes pop open and land on the one person I have been yearning to see, but never thought I would.


“Yea! I tried, Yvette. I tried to give you space. A chance to find something better. I’m done with that shit. You and that hungry pussy that wept through your underwear all over my pants, when we saw each other, belong to me and I am done denying it. Come, Lil Bit. So, I can make you do it over and over again.” he holds his hand out to me and denial never crossed my mind. I want to know why he is here, but that can keep. The need I have for him can’t and I want all he can give me. I just wonder how long I will have it.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024