More Than Me - Page 2

“What? We just met.” she said her voice filled with disbelief.

“Love knows no time, my darling. I knew the moment I saw you, flower. I think you know it too. Marry me.”

“I-I can’t, Hector.” she replied. I could see the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

“Don’t cry, Corazon. It’s ok. I will conquer whatever this fear is and make you my wife. I swear to you.” I said hugging her to me.

“It’s about more than me, Hector. Please just let it go.” I vowed then and there, never to let it go.

We have gone out almost every night since then. My plan has been to court her and take her out as we get to know one another. I even took her to a company function, though that was a mistake. The way the men in my company looked at her, licking their lips as she walked past them, in her yellow, sleeveless dress, and diamond necklace I bought her. She looked ethereal. Like a fairy, dropped down from heaven.

Here I am four weeks later, still asking the woman I am going to spend my life with to marry me as I feast on her little kitty. Her bare, fat pussy, slick and shiny with her desire, is open and inviting, daring me to enter her and truly make her mine. Rubbing my hands back and forth over it, the stickiness now coating my fingers, making sure to pinch her clit over and over as I lick, and rub driving her crazy. “Hector please. I love you. You know that.” This is always her answer and though it makes my heart soar every time she says it, it is not enough.

“My love say yes. Tell me you will be my wife.” I say to her moving up to her mouth needing to be connected to her any way I can.

“Can’t what we have be enough, papi?”

“No, baby. It can’t. What is it? What is keeping you from our forever?” This has also become a constant. I have my PI on it, tracking everything in her life trying to figure out what has her running from our happily ever after. I am getting tired of waiting and little does she know; I am not above taking other measures. I know she thinks that since I haven’t fucked her yet, that perhaps I am soft, but the truth is, I always thought the first time I spilt my seed inside of a woman, she would be my wife. Looks like I might have to rethink that.CrystalLocking my door, I lean against it, banging my head upon it as the tears stream down my face. My heart hurts. Not like a my achy breaky heart type of hurt. No. This is like a loss type of hurt. My heart knows something my head and emotions are having a hard time processing. I am going to walk away from the love of my life. Hector is everything I never knew I wanted in a man. All my life I thought I wanted a man like my dad. Someone sweet, kind, hardworking, quiet and unassuming. Don’t get me wrong, Hector is most of those things. But let’s be honest, he is definitely noticeable.

Hector is strong, powerful, wealthy and so damn demanding and fuck if I don’t find the last part so sexy. I love when he takes control of me and makes me scream his name with his mouth. I love feeling his tongue as it rubs against me and dives in and out of my pussy. His mouth so swollen from sucking and licking me over and over. How sweets he tastes after he has brought me to the brink and back. Hell. I simply love him; more than I ever knew I could love anyone. Every time he asks me to marry him, I want nothing more than to yell YES, as I jump up and down and hug and kiss him. I fully intended to say yes one of these times, knowing I would never find this again. This level of intensity. This feeling that takes over me, makes my body shake whenever he is around. His voice sends my pussy into a frenzy. She begins pulsating and drooling for him. My heart though, my heart is what cries for him every time I walk away. Even now as I undress, wiping my face and brushing my teeth I try to talk myself into saying fuck it and telling him yes. But then what? Who am I then?

My doubts started last week when he took me to his company party. I spent the whole day freaking out, worried about what to wear, how to do my hair, how much is too much makeup? Anything you can think of. I mean a man like Hector has friends in high places. He is a part of society. The elite. I took money I didn’t have and did what any girl in my position would have done. Right? I went to the salon, the Marc Jacobs outlet in our town and Sephora. Don’t get me wrong, I know if I had told Hector I had nothing appropriate to wear he would have offered to pay for it, but that is not what I wanted. What I did want however, is the look on his face when he saw me walk into his house. “Que bonita, mi corazon.” were the words that left his mouth before ours met. I couldn’t begin to tell you how long we stood there, in the middle of the foyer, with our mouths fused together and our hands roaming. When he finally pulled back from me, we were both breathing hard and lit up like a fuse. Licking my lips, I looked at him and in my best seductive voice, took a chance.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024