More Than Me - Page 7

I had every intention of finding a home for her mother. Not just any place. I was looking for the best. Top notch, willing to pay anything and then it hit me. She doesn’t need to go anywhere. She needs to come and live with us. My Crystal would never be settled, calm and free, with her mother somewhere else. That is what has kept her from me all this time. That is when it hit me, that we need a bigger place. We need space for the abundance of children I plan to fuck into her every chance I get and a wing for her mother, with space for her live-in caregiver. I once told my Corazon, that I would give her everything her heart desires and I meant it. “Well, Nella, you don’t have to understand. You just need to find me what I am looking for.” the annoyance growing at her every comment. There is nothing I hate more than a person giving their opinion when not asked.

“What about this one?” handing me a paper with the picture of an estate. It is Victorian on the outside with modern pictures on the inside. The kitchen is in calming, soothing colors of yellow and cream while the living room is all olive and lime.

“How many bedrooms?” I ask her hopeful it has what I need because on the outside and the pictures they submitted I am already sold.

“It has two wings. One on the east side of the house and one on the west. The east wing has three bedrooms with a bathroom in each and a kitchen area. The main bedroom has a balcony, though it is closed off by security locks to make it fall proof, but you can still sit on it and enjoy fresh air. The west wing has six bedrooms, bathroom in each. The master bedroom has a balcony that wraps around the rest of the house with stairs leading to the backyard.”

I close my eyes, picturing her standing on the balcony, in the early morning light as the sun comes up, in a see through, barely there negligee, her back to the sunrise, as I watch her soaking up, as her nipples poke through the silk, and the scent of her pussy blows through the breeze straight into my nose. Fuck. I adjust my pants, realizing this is hardly the place to be getting so fucking hard. Clearing my voice, I simply tell her, “I will take it. Have my accountant write a check. I need it now.”

“Very well, Mr. Cortero.” she begins putting all her papers together and the door buzzes. Before I can say come in, in walks my light. My heart. My future.

“I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?” her voice soft and... something I can’t place.

“Never, Corazon. You are never interrupting. Come here, baby.” she walks to me slowly, her eyes never leaving Nella, obviously not sure what to make of her and perhaps feeling a bit of jealousy that is totally unnecessary. “I thought I would be seeing you soon.” I say kissing her. “My love, this is Nella, My real estate agent. She was just finding a home for us that could house all the kids I plan to plant inside of you and your mother.” her mouth opens as she turns to me, shock covering her face.

“What have you done, Hector. Why...all of this?” her arms open.

“I told you I would find out what was stopping you from moving forward and fix it. I just don’t understand why you would keep this from me, Crystal. Why would not share your struggles with me and let me help you.” I can’t hide the anger and disappointment.

“I didn’t know how. I mean look at you. Your life is so...different than mine. How was I supposed to tell you that my mother is ill? That her mind doesn’t belong to her half the time. That I have this gene inside of me and at any given time it could take hold of me, and I could lose our life together, forever, in a sea of memories and thoughts I can’t recover. I love you, so much, Hector. I don’t want that life for you. Not even the possibility.” she falls to the couch, sobbing, her face a beautiful river of pain and uncertainty. I can’t bear it. The love of my life should never feel this...this...anguish. Pull her onto my lap and hold her.

“You are everything I have ever wanted, Corazon. I thought I was happy with my life. What was not to be happy with. I had a company my brother and I built from the ground up. More money than we could spend in one lifetime and I had friends. It wasn’t until I saw you that I realized there is a difference between being happy and being content. YOU showed me the difference. Every day that I get to touch you, breathe in your sweet scent, whisper your name, is a day I spend in bliss. WE were brought together for a reason, baby. Let’s live it and be happy. Let. Me. Love. You.” for what I hope is the last time, I beg the love of my life to give our love a chance. She lifts her head from my chest and looks at me.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024