More than You - Page 2

“Rina, you won’t have to do this alone. Your father trusted me to take care of you and Rory should something happen to them. There have been things put into place, to make sure you and your sister are provided for. I will be here for you both.” in this situation, I should feel shame at the fact that his declaration makes me feel warm, but it does. “Rina, would you like to go identify the bodies, right now?” I wish he would stop calling me Rina. It does things to me and right now, I don’t have it in me to examine it.

“N-no. I just want to lay down. I can’t...I can’t…” The sobbing ensues once again, and I find I can’t move. I lay on the carpet, allowing the pain to course through me, ravaging everything inside of me that was light and clear. All that's left is the place my little sister holds.

I don’t know how long I lie here, feeling his hands rub my back as he assures me, he will be there. At some point, I must fall asleep because I wake to him carrying me into my room and placing me on the bed.

“Get some rest, Rina. We will get through this together when you get up.” He closes the door and I manage to fall asleep, letting the feel of his hands before he moves them, lull me to sleep.Chapter TwoDaytonI should feel like shit for lying to her, last night, but I couldn’t very well tell her that her father gambled all their money away and if it wasn’t for me, pulling strings in every avenue I could think of to keep them afloat, they would have been out on the street the beginning of this year. No. There is no way I could have told her that with everything she is going through. I also couldn’t tell her that she has been my every dream come true since the day I met her, a year ago. It was at her seventeenth birthday party. Her father had invited me to go over some investments and I walked in right as she was descending the stairs and it was like time stopped. I mean literally... stopped. Everything and everyone around me went silent and froze. All I saw was this...little raven-haired fairy, floating down the stairs. Her smile drew me to her like a guiding light from a lighthouse. It didn’t hit me that she was only seventeen, until her father extended her hand to help her down the stairs and I looked up and saw the banner.

He brought her over to me and introduced us. The moment our hands touched, I felt this surge of electricity flow through me and to say it lit a fuse was an understatement. Everything in me began to move in sync, as if the battery had finally been charged. “Sarina, this is our accountant Dayton Liiteum. Dayton, this is the birthday girl. My daughter, Sarina.” I try to find my voice to acknowledge her, but all I can do in that moment is picture her walking down the aisle to me, as I make her my wife and my life.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Liiteum.” Jesus. Is her voice supposed to sound like it is coated in honey? My dick responds by pointing straight at her like a guided missile. Apparently, he can hear it too. Just as quick as her hand had been in mine, she was pulled from me and out of my sight. Needless to say, when I left that night, I had the company P.I. investigate her. I needed to know if she had boyfriend. Some little punk I was going to have to set straight. Hell, to be honest, if I had to, he would disappear.

So, like a stalker, I had her followed, every day for the past two years. Stepping in silently when some undeserving little prick showed an interest in her. Making sure she got into her first-choice college. Setting aside the money for her tuition out of her father's account before he gambled it all away. Anything I could think of, to make all her dreams come to life, I did. So, having to give her this bad news is killing me.

Seeing her sob as pieces of her began chipping and dropping to the floor, is enough to make the inside of me break, just for her. So, no. I couldn’t tell her, just yet that her security is going to come from me. That I have bought us a house. A house where now, we will raise Rory and all of the kids we will have together. I can’t tell her that as soon as it is marginally appropriate, she will become my wife and she and I will adopt Rory together. Until I can tell her these things, all I can do is be here for her and guide her through the darkness, while leading her back to the light.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024