More Than Us - Page 4

“Why are we here, Cord?”

“Do you remember the night I proposed to you, Philli? It was the perfect night. The stars were out, the weather was not to warn, not too cold. We stood right out there, on the patio, when I got on one knee, told you how much I love you and asked you to be my family. Do you remember that, Phillipa? Do you remember your words back to me?” looking into his eyes, the intensity, making my heartbeat. I can see that night like it was yesterday, the words resonating in my mind over and over, just like it does every day, except this time, don’t have somewhere to drown it out. “Baby, do you remember what you said to me?”

“I do.” I say clearing my throat, the emotion overtaking me.

“Tell me.” His voice is hard and demanding.

“I said, ‘Come pain, loss, success and love, I will love you forever. Yes, Cord. I will marry you.” I hear the tears before I feel them. My words resonate with me, bringing to the forefront that I have broken my own promise to our forever. “Cord I…”

“Are you ready to order?” I take a deep breath, thankful for the interruption before I say something I regret. We order our food and the silence is more prevalent then the words. He wanted to provoke something in me, and I hate to admit that it worked. Working on my second glass of champagne as I finish my food, I can see his eyes boring into me, his mind reaching mine, seducing me. Our hearts doing a dance they haven’t done in a while. God, I wish I could find my way back home. “The check, Sir?”

“Yes. That would be fine.” he answers, waving his glass around as something in him, sparks, sending a shiver over me, knowing that something is coming. I put the champagne down, knowing I have had enough, lest I lose my head. He pays the check and ushers me to the car. The ride home is charged. I can practically smell the sexual tension. Feel it too. My pussy leaking as I sit beside him, remembering what it felt like to have him hold me, touch me, kiss me, inside of me. “We’re home, baby.”

Looking around, I can’t help but note that I was so lost in my mind, I missed the whole ride. “Where did you run off too, Phillipa?” I know he is asking me where my head went. I have no intention of answering him. “I see.” he says, his hand running down my cheek. “Remember I told you, your face tells everything.” Crap. My back is against the door as he moves closer to me. “Were you picturing my mouth on yours, my tongue chasing yours, calling it, daring it to come out and play with me?” he leans into me, our breath an inch apart. I must have had one too many glasses because it is me who moves that extra inch and tries to devour him. Dueling is what I would call it. We are battling back and forth for domination, even though we both know in the end, who will win. I love being taken over by him, feeling his weight on top of mine, protecting me from everything.

His hands slide under my shirt, moving slowly, driving me crazy. His thumb moves back and forth through across my nipple and though I have on a bra, the lace makes it somehow more erotic. I can feel my mouth swell as he takes over and sucks and bites every inch of my lips. I find myself pulling him closer into me, my body craving the sensation crawling up every inch. He grabs my ass, lifting me until I feel his hardness rubbing up against my sensitive clit. “Cord.” I moan out, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. The movement of my neck gives him access and he takes advantage of it. He begins to lick up the side of my neck making me more anxious to feel everything.

I am barely aware of us walking into the bedroom and him laying me on the bed. “Oh, my little Philli. Look at you writhe in our bed. Are you aching for me baby?” his voice more than an octave deeper, my whole body aware as he begins taking off his clothes. I nod my head. “You know that’s not enough. I need the words baby. Tell me.” Oh god. He is doing this on purpose. However, I need this like I need my next breath. The idea that he would walk away right now, is making my stomachache.

“Yes, Cord. I need you.” More than he will ever know.

“Good. Then be my good little Philli and take everything off baby. I need to see you.” he stands before me like a god, his hands moving up and down his cock. The angry red head of it, winking at me as it drips down his shaft. My mouth salivates remembering how it tastes having it at my mercy. Wiping his finger though the milk dripping from him, he brings it to my mouth. “Remember, baby.” I lick his finger, moaning as I frantically rid myself of my clothes. How the hell will I ever forget.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024