More Than Her - Page 12

Looking around as the car drives through the city, I can't help but chuckle. My Lani never ceases to surprise me. I would never have picked Tennessee as a place she would have ended up. “Do you need help with your bags sir?” the driver asks me as we get out.

“No, thank you. Have valet bring them up to my room.”

“Sure thing. Have a great stay.”

“Thank you.” I give him his tip and walk inside.

“Welcome to the Embassy Suites Hotel. Do you have a reservation?”

“Yes. Under Dunbar Louis.” she taps away on her keyboard as my mind wanders every possibility. I wouldn’t even know where to start to look for her. Not that it matters, I won’t be leaving here until I do.

“As a VIP member, you have the option to take advantage of our corporate suite located on the top floor. Would you like to upgrade?'' If this were for business I wouldn’t hesitate. Especially since I would have the entire suite covered from floor to door in paperwork, assistants coming in and out and the conference room located inside of the suite filled day and night with people. However, this is life or death. With her, I live. Without her, I might as well be dead.

“No thank you. I would however like to be sure that my room is fully stocked with cognac and bourbon.'' I need something to take the edge off every day that I don't find her.

“Absolutely sir. Right away sir. Here is your room key. Your room number is 526. Please let us know if we can do anything else for you.”

“Thank you very much.” I grab the key and walk toward the elevator. Never have I been in a situation where nothing around me registers. I have always prided myself on being astute and aware of everything. I would not have gotten where I am if it weren’t the truth. However, now, without her, nothing makes sense, has color or moves. Looks like I need to cognac now. The elevator door opens and I walk down the hall looking for my room. Believing I have overlooked it, I turn when the smell that has been stuck in my lungs for months, like a mummy waiting for rehydration, flows past me and I know without looking I have found my quest. My eyes make contact the back of her luscious chocolate hair and my entire body unlocks. “Lani.” I croak out, my eyes not sure I am awake. Her body goes stiff as I stand behind her. She takes a second before she turns and gasps.

“Dun.” she says, one hand on her mouth and the other on her stomach. Taking a moment to just look at her, I feel like I have been given a second chance. God, she looks beautiful. Here I have been back home losing my fucking mind, not giving a shit about anything, but she...well she is even more gorgeous. Her skin is shiny and glowing. Her face full and those fucking hips. My hands begin to itch with the need to grab them, push her back into the hotel room...wait...what the hell is she doing coming out of a hotel room.

“Who the hell is he, Lani? Tell me who he is so I can read him his last fucking rights.” See, I knew I was going to need bail money.Chapter NineDunShit. This is not how I wanted to greet her when I finally had her within reach, but everything about this situation is fucking with me and seeing her leaving a damn hotel room is not helping. “Dun.” she says, her eyes bigger than Yankee stadium. Moving closer, my hands are sweating to touch her, bring her closer to me, but I am trying to gauge her mood. The way she said my name tells me she has missed me too, now, the look replacing that is hurt, and downright indignation. “None of your damn business. Who the hell do you think you are to ask me anything about my personal life?” she spits out her mouth. So fucking sexy when she is upset.

“It’s my business because you are my woman and that gold mine between your legs belongs to me.'' I almost miss the twitch in her pulse and the hitch in her breath when it leaves my mouth. “I see your pussy didn’t forget did it, baby?” my finger sweeps her hair back from her face. “Now tell me whose hotel room you are leaving, so I can take care of him and then take care of you.” I say as I run my thumb along her throat, loving the way she swallows as her chest begins to move up and down. This was always her tell when she was wet and needy. “Mmm.'' I moan, sniffing up the side of her neck. “I can smell her, baby. Did she miss me, huh, sweetness? Did that juicy pussy miss this steel rod?'' I grab her hand and rub it up and down the outside of my pants as my cock grows by the second.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024