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More Than Him

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“My woman is not a fucking maid. Take that shit off.” Is he serious right now?

“I will not. First of all, I am not a maid. The correct term is a housekeeper. Secondly, who the hell do you think you are, as I asked last night. You are not my father and certainly not my husband, so where do you get off thinking you have the right to order me around?” Oh shit. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. He gets out of bed, naked, his cock pointing at me like a missile ready to launch and stalks toward me, his face fuming. For a second, I forget what I am saying and salivate over all 6 foot 1 of him. A God.

“If you hadn't run from me, you would be my damn wife by now. The mother of my kid does not clean anyone’s room.” His comment bringing me back to my indignation.

“Well apparently, she does. Now if you excuse me.” I push past him as he inhales and exhales, attempting to calm himself down.

“What time do you get off?”


“Fine. As soon as you come back, we are going out to talk. This shit ends today.”

“I have an appointment after work. Won’t be done until later.”

“What appointment?” His voice raises as the frustration returns. Too bad I don’t intend on answering him. Continuing to head for the door, with my hand on the knob, I turn to him and stun even myself.

“Have a nice day Mr. Louis.” and walk out. Now take that asshole. Walking into the elevator, I feel... liberated somehow. But the feeling is short lived as I begin to feel childish. I could have simply told him about the appointment with my T.A., but a part of him wanted to know that I don't need him. I don’t need his permission, his money or his... who the hell am I kidding. I need him. Just not things. I need him. So why can’t I stop running and pushing him away?Chapter ElevenLailaniWalking into the room after work, seeing he has left both upsets me and gives me a sense of relief. When he is in the room I can’t think. All I can see to do is feel and right now, that is not good for my psyche. I change my clothes, rushing because the last room I cleaned, was paid for by a bunch of college students and to say it was trashed is an understatement. So, it took me longer than normal to clean it and now, I am going to be late for my session with my science T.A. to work on my hypothesis paper. Dressed and heading back out the door, I still don't see him and I begin to think that maybe I pushed him too far and he left. What do you expect Lani? A man is only going to take so much. Shit. I do not have time for tears.

I make it to the park with five minutes left to spare and decide to walk over to the coffee cart and grab a decaffeinated caramel Frappuccino. I see Simon sit on the bench and walk over. “Good morning, Miss Moore.”

“Good morning Simon. Thank you for meeting with me. I appreciate you switching the venue to outdoors. I know it is unusual, but I find I think clearer when surrounded by fresh air.” It’s true. I have always done my homework outside. Even when I was growing up.

“It is no problem. I have to admit this is nice. I might do all of my meetings outside, weather permitting. Now, what can I help you w…”

“Who the fuck are you?” Before I can intercede, Dun has Simon by the collar of his shirt, dangling from the ground with his face right on his. Simon, struggling to detach himself, is looking at me wondering what the hell is going on.

“Dun, put him down right now,” I demand with my hands on my hips.

“You're so adorable if you think your cute ass is going to stop me from breaking this pissant's face.” Why is this so hot? Get a grip, Lani. Now is not the time to be dripping down your thighs. Too late. Damn it.

Simon is trying to explain himself, but with no ability to breath it is kind of hard. “Damn it Dun, he is my student instructor for my science class.” I explain.

“You better not be lying to me, Lani. My lawyer is on speed dial and ready with bail money.” He turns to poor Simon. “Is this true?”

“Yes,” he whispers, nodding his head vigorously. Dun puts him down and looks in the eye.

“My apologies. Now get lost.” Simon scurries off and now I am faced with the wrath of doom. “See what happens when you keep secrets? Enough with the damn games. Bring your little ass back to the hotel room and get dressed. We are going to talk and be done with this shit. Understand?” I nod my head. I have never been able to say no to him when he uses that tone of voice.

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