Stefano's Peach - Page 4

As I got old enough to recognize the dynamics, I began to see certain things. I noticed how my father always had his hand on her someway when they were in the room together. If for some reason she was out of reach, his eyes would track her every movement. My mom was always so loving and ease with doing as my father suggested. Although now that I am a grown man, I can call it what it was... she did what he told her to do, recognizing it was what he needed. I would imagine she knew early on that she needed it as well. It helps that it was in the most loving way possible. His one and only concern was the safety, wellbeing, and happiness of my mom. When I came along it was about the both of us for Dad. Don’t get me wrong, my mother was not some mindless subservient mouse. No. She was fire and had a lot of mouth. I witnessed on more than a handful of occasions her using said mouth to give my father a piece of her mind if it was something she was passionate about. However, in the end, it always came down to the last word being his and her obeying. The thing is my father is half Italian and half Greek. So, stubborn, dominant, immovable, and bull-headed as hell. His father died when he was a baby, so he was raised by his Greek mother who was also stubborn if his stories of her are any indication.

The thing is, I could see how much his love and devotion to her, and our family helped her grow and sprout as the years went on. I never saw her as anything other than confident and sure of herself, but as an adult, I can now pick up on the nuances of change I witnessed. The day I realized that there was more to their dynamic, was also the day I realized I would need the same thing and unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anymore. Nowadays, women are on one or the other end of the extreme. They are either all women's lib and trying to be men or they are so brainwashed by that fucking Tristan Shades or 50 Grey or some shit, that they want something else entirely. No. As crazy as the idea is, it’s better this way. “Stefano, Mr. Phillips is on the phone.” I turn in my chair looking at my secretary, Taylor. I am trying to hold in the annoyance of her continually calling me by my first name.

“Taylor, I have asked you repeatedly to call me Mr. Baltierra.” I see her squirm, knowing she is deliberately not following the rules of this company.

“I’m sorry, sir. I just feel…”

“Please send the call through.” I cut her off not giving a shit about her feelings. She walks out of my office and I have to check myself. Is there something wrong with me? I mean she is smart, sexy in a... blatantly obvious sort of way, and obviously eager to please. I can tell she is experienced. Hell, any man would be tripping over himself to bend her over their desk, but she just does nothing for me, or my cock if the fact that he stirs not an inch when she is in the room. Hell, I can smell the promiscuity on her.



“I wanted to make sure everything is ready for the weekend. My wife is pregnant, and though I am going to be there also, movie premieres can be chaotic, intrusive and are perfect arenas for bullshit. Delta is too soft for this, but she insists on accompanying me to these damn things. I need her to be protected.”

“Yes. Jessup is all set. He is already there finalizing everything. Will your sister-in-law be joining?”

“No. She is away at college. Very well. Don’t worry, Phillip. All the backup has been briefed and all security checked and cleared. Everything is set.”

“Excellent. I knew I could count on you. Listen, if this goes well, I will be putting your name in the hands of all of my associates. You are going to be a very busy man. Got to go.” we hang up and I shake my head. Being an in-demand Security Service is nothing new for my company. I have headquarters around the world. Of course, the main one is here in the U.S. However, I have a small annex in the UK, an office in Sydney, one in Greece, and I even have one in Japan. Each of them is manned by a tightly, vetted retired special forces marine. I can’t be everywhere all the time. Now though, the thought going through my head lately has been, am I even going to have time for all this when the baby comes? This just keeps getting more and more questionable.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
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