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Stefano's Peach

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“Tori, you know I never wanted the same things as you guys. I just didn’t want it in Almont.” she sighs like she always does when I remind her my goal was never the same as theirs, but I followed them here because I couldn’t fathom not being with them.

“I know. I just hoped you would have reconsidered by now. But, while you are still enrolled, you might as well make the most of it and do your best.” she is right.

“It’s true. So anyway, when is your appointment?”

“Tomorrow. I still can’t believe I am going to be walking around campus with a big belly and swollen feet,” she says chuckling. I giggle with her because I have been thinking about the same thing. “So what are you going to do today?” she asks

“Go to the bookstore and begin compiling my textbooks that are on the list. After that, I figure I would do some more sightseeing. Hey, you want to come be a tourist with me?” I ask hoping she says yes.

“Absolutely. We can meet, say noon? Go to lunch and then hit the town.”

“Sounds perfect.” I bounce up and down clapping my hands. She shakes her head. My enthusiasm always makes me a bit giddy. Kissing me on my cheek she exits the room and I finish getting ready. My mind once again drifts to my mystery man. I can’t help but hope I see him while we are out. ‘Get a grip Kalera. Try staying in reality.’ I chastise myself. Hey, a girl can hope can’t she? Hurrying to finish up so I am not late, once again I am interrupted but by my phone this time. “Hello.”

“Is this Kalera Baldwin?”

“Yes, it is. Who is this?” I don’t recognize the number or the voice.

“This is Angela with the fertility clinic. I am calling because you have been... selected.” Holy shit!

“Are you serious? That was fast.”

Yes, I am serious,” she says. I note a tone and hesitation, but I am too shocked to dive into it.

“Ook. When is this supposed to be?” Now I am having second thoughts. I guess it didn’t seem real until now.

“Two weeks from now. Have you been taking the pills?”

“Yes,'' I answer still in a daze. Wait, aren't they supposed to tell me something about the couple? I swear the contract said we would meet first. “Uh...aren't I supposed to meet them first? Find out information about them?”

“Under normal circumstances, yes. However, they are very... anxious and shall we say, insistent. So, we are doing things a bit differently. You will meet them as soon as it is done. Any more questions?”

“I mean I have a ton, but I can’t express them right now.”

“Great. Well, we will see you then.” Looking at the phone, I am immobile for a second. She hung up like she just told me the sky is blue. This is happening.

What did I just do?Chapter SixStefanoShit. Fuck. I grunt as I jerk my cock one last time before it shoots all over the towel I have under my desk holding it. The past two weeks have been fucking torture. You have no idea how many times I have gone to her dorm intending to take her and her shit out of there and move her in with me immediately. There are a couple of reasons that I haven't. One, I wanted everything ready for when I do get her within my grasp. So, I am having the house I have in the burbs for when I need a break from the city, revamped. It already has six bedrooms, but now, I have two of those changed into a nursery with any and everything our little bundles are going to need. Necessities only. Yes, plural. She is going to be knocked up for at least the first decade. My own personal broodmare. The rest of the furnishings, my wife is going to pick out and decorate until her heart is content. I have had our master bedroom expanded with an extra walk-in closet built in so she can have ample space for the stuff I plan on spoiling her with. I also had a new supersized spa-like tub installed. Need plenty of room to fuck her in it. Especially when her belly is swollen, ripe, and round. Damn it. Just thinking about it is making my cock beg for a repeat even though we both know it is only whetting the need. Not satisfying it.

The second reason I have yet to take her is that I want to wait until she has had the procedure. I know. I know, I could just fuck her back out, planting my seed inside of her myself, and trust me pregnant or not, she will be getting plenty of that. But I also don’t want to risk the chance that my cock won’t get the job done. So, I would rather her go through with this. Not to worry. The minute she is moved into the room to rest for a bit after the procedure, all bets are off. That little peach will be leaving with me. “Mr. Baltierra, you have a call on line one from the Hope Fertility Clinic,” she says. I can hear the question in her voice.

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