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Stefano's Peach

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“Oomph. Daddy, please...Too deep,” she cries, holding her stomach and pushing against my thighs with her other hand. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. She fucked herself the minute she called me Daddy. Now, she will only ever get this side of me. The side that wants to dominate, control, and own every part of her. Poor little girl should have kept her mouth closed.

“FUCK!! Come, baby. Shit. Shit. Shit.” I am going blind as it all begins to blend. I can fill my balls begin to draw up as they get fuller and fuller, ready for the explosion. Needing her to go first, I reach around and pinch her clit, and there is nothing to hold me back when her orgasm causes her cunt to spasm and suck my shit like a goddamn vortex. My eyes literally cross as her womb squeezes tighter and tighter. “Shit, Kalera. Let go, baby. Fuck. Let go.” At this point, I am feeling like I am going to pass out if some fucking oxygen doesn’t get to my dick. “It’s ok, sweet girl.” trying different tactics to get her to relax even though her body is still shaking and jerking, so sweaty and pliant, sagging in my arms as she fights for breath. “Come on sweet girl. Relax. I got you,” I whisper, kissing her neck and rubbing her head. Finally, after a few minutes, her cervix relaxes and I remove my cock from inside of her, both of us groaning from the loss and the uncomfortability of being sensitive and throbbing. “Lay here, baby. I will be right back.” Laying her in the bed, I run to the bathroom, run her a warm bath with some soothing salts. I need to find some that smell like peaches as well.

Leaning against the door, I welcome the feeling of love and completion when I look at her soft flushed face. She is now dozing, body still shaking from the intensity of what we just shared and you wouldn’t know it. She is back to being my sweet innocent little girl. I move over to her, knowing that I need to get her bathed, give her a minute to soak her poor abused pussy, and then into the bed for rest. So, that is what I do. Not surprisingly, she is asleep the whole time. She looked over at me once when I got her out and was pulling back the clean sheets I put on the bed while she was soaking. She smiles, holds her arms out for a hug, and sighs. “Thank you, Daddy.” Before rolling over and falling back asleep. Not willing to be away from her for longer than necessary, I hop in the shower myself, wash up quickly and get in the bed beside her. I reach for her and bring her under my neck and fall asleep sniffing her hair, promising to never let her go. Now I get it. Now, I see. Now I understand. Se efcharistó, Patéra. Thank you, dad.

“Hi.” I hear this sweet raspy voice say into my ear. I didn’t even realize I actually went to sleep.

“Hi, sweet girl,'' I answer, leaning down to rub my nose against hers. She giggles and hides her face in my chest, snuggling like a kitten on a rug. So fucking cute. “You hungry?” She shakes her head, still like she doesn't want to move. It’s amazing to me how much I can read her already, but my father always told me that the woman made for me, I will always be equipped with everything I need to be everything she needs. Seems once again he was right. “What’s up baby girl. Look at me and talk to me.'' I use my soft voice while lifting her chin, knowing that these next few days for us will be vital to cementing our bond. “You want to ask me something?”

“No. I just...don’t know why I said it.” Ah, I see.

“Well, why do you think you said it? Do you feel weird about it, or wish you didn’t say it?”

“No. It’s not that. It felt right to say it. I just…don’t know why I said it.” I feel myself smiling.

“Hey, hey, baby girl.”

“You seem to act like it was normal,” she says. I chuckle. Her voice high and shocked.

“It sort of was for me. See, my dad was forty when he met my mom and she was 20. She was what he always called...a lamb without protection. He said the moment he saw her; he knew his role was to protect, cherish, and love her. He never wanted her to have to want for anything or need anything. He felt that his role in this life was to make sure he knew what she needed before she knew. To provide what she wanted before she told him it was a desire and until the day she died, that is what he did.” I wrap my arms around her tighter, precisely feeling that at this moment.

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