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Nobody Knows (SWAT Generation 2.0 11)

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“What the fuck are you speeding for, asshole?” Sammy bellowed from my front door.

“Please, help me get this off of me,” she urged, pushing the crib and testing the confines of her shirt.

Seeing as this was her last ‘good’ shirt as she liked to call it, I saw the reason that she hadn’t just torn herself free.

She was nine months pregnant, and only days away from giving birth. The only problem was, she refused to get any more clothes that she wouldn’t need, meaning she lived in that particular black shirt, leggings, and my clothes.

But I could tell she was willing to sacrifice the shirt so her brother didn’t see her.

“Help,” she squeaked, pleading with her eyes.

I bent down and unhooked her shirt from the screw it’d caught on. A screw, I might add, that wasn’t in the right place.

Grinning, I lifted the surprisingly heavy crib up and she started to wiggle out, rolling over to her hands and knees, and then to her feet, all the while I could hear her brother pounding up the stairs.

She’d just gotten to her feet and smoothed her shirt down over the cutest baby belly ever when her brother finally found the room we were in.

“Swear to Christ,” he said as he looked at both of us. “You better not have almost run me over because you wanted to feel up my sister.”

I snorted and gathered my woman to me, loving the way she felt in my arms.

I hadn’t seen her since last night when I’d left for work, and thanks to a SWAT call immediately after shift change, it’d been longer than I’d intended to be away from her.

Luckily, Sammy and I usually didn’t work the same SWAT calls anymore, meaning he was here to help if he was needed.

As was Grans, Sierra’s parents, Blue and a handful of other SWAT guys, as well as Luca.

My SWAT family and my real family—minus my parents that was—were an essential part of our lives.

I’d simmered down now that I had someone at home to take care of.

Two someones.

“I was stuck, okay?” Sierra growled. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“How were you stuck?” Sammy wondered, his eyes narrowing on me, then my wife, then back to me again.

I gestured to the crib.

“I thought we were putting that together tonight?” he said.

“We are.” I paused. “Since she got stuck in it before she could finish it.”

Sierra sighed. “Y’all are so annoying.”

I grinned wickedly at her, pressed one more kiss onto her forehead, then said, “Order pizza, baby. I’m going to get a quick shower in before we have to go.” I stopped. “Where’s Hastings?”

“Sleeping,” Sierra said just as Hastings said, “Not sleeping. Laboring. Apparently, this baby is ready to come.”

We all looked toward the door to see Hastings standing in it, water pooling at her feet.

“Oh, my God!” Sierra cried. “Sammy, you’re having a baby today!”

We all looked back just in time to see Sammy faint dead at our feet.

Four hours later, Sammy and Hastings welcomed their baby girl, Aurora, into the world.

Six weeks after that, we welcomed our own baby boy, Miller Luca Gnocchi into the world.• • •

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