Date Me Like You Mean It - Page 51

“You’re going to run back to Brent? Now?”

She doesn’t respond for a beat, and then finally, she nods, convincing herself of something.

“You’re going to climb into bed with him when I’m standing right here?”

She swallows, but other than that, she stays stock-still. I’m waiting for her to turn or bat my hand away—something to deter me from continuing.

“I don’t think he gives you everything you want,” I taunt. “I think…you’re lying.”

Her eyes pop open and she pushes away from me.

She looks ready to spew venom as her gaze locks with mine. She points her finger at me, and it shakes with the adrenaline coursing through her.

“What is it, Aiden? Are you bored in New York City? Haven’t had sex in a while so you think it’d be fun to tease me?”

I walk toward her, wanting her close, but she backs away.

“Don’t come here and try to screw up my life. You’re the one who left.”

“You didn’t ask me to stay.”

“Are you kidding me?!”

Our voices are getting louder. We’re about to wake everyone up.


Brent’s voice carries from down the hall, and I squeeze my eyes closed. Fucking great.

Maddie quickly adjusts the strap of her tank top and rushes around the kitchen island so she’s closer to him than she is to me when he finally steps into the living room.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, wiping sleep from his eyes.

“Yeah. It’s fine. C’mon, let’s go back to the room.”

I watch as they disappear down the hall, a sick feeling twisting my gut.

None of this makes sense.

This whole time I thought Maddie wanted me to leave and pursue a career in New York, but if that’s the case, why did she disappear off the face of the earth once I was there? Why hasn’t she been returning my calls and texts? Why is she so angry with me now?

Back in bed, before I finally fall asleep, I decide I’m not going to step back and let Brent and Maddie have their happy ending. In fact, I won’t allow it. I made a mistake leaving for New York without telling Maddie how I really felt about her the first time. I won’t let it happen again.Luck is on my side in the morning.

I wake up early and head out for a run before anyone else gets up and going. It’s cold out and my lungs burn, but I push through it, appreciating the clarity it gives me.

After last night—touching Maddie—a good five-mile run is just what I need to get my body in check. I’m cooling down, about to arrive back at my brother’s house, when I spot Brent talking on the phone up ahead. He’s standing outside in his pajamas, hopping back and forth trying to stay warm.

I’m curious.

Why is he talking on the phone out here? Why stand in the snow?

I tug my AirPods out of my ears and pause my music. With his back to me, he’s unaware I’m in earshot.

“—it’s fine so far, but I have a feeling something big is brewing.”

I slow my stride.

“I have no idea what’s going on between them. Has she told you anything?”

There’s silence as the person on the other end of the line answers.

“Well, they clearly still have chemistry. I mean, you should see the way he looks at Maddie. It’s the same way you look at me.”

He laughs, and I stop dead in my tracks.

What. The. Fuck?

“Gah! I’m freezing.” He hisses and heads for the door. “I can’t stay out here another second. I’ll text you later. Yeah. Yeah, I won’t forget. Okay. Love you.”

Then he hangs up and walks inside, none the wiser.

But I am.

I am much, much wiser than I was five seconds ago.

I knew something was off yesterday between Brent and Maddie. I couldn’t put my finger on what was going on between them, but there were so many red flags I was practically tripping over them.

And now I know why.

Maddie is up to her old tricks.Chapter FifteenMaddieI’m sitting at the breakfast table, minding my own business, when Aiden walks into the kitchen. I can barely even look at him after what transpired between us last night. That was…unexpected, to say the least.

He’s clearly just gone for a run. Sweat drips down his forehead even though it’s below freezing outside. He yanks off his workout jacket and tosses it on the back of a barstool. Then he picks up the bottom of his t-shirt and uses it to wipe sweat from his forehead. Golden tan skin tugs taut across his hard abs.

I saw his bare chest last night, but in daylight, it shines in all its glory.

He looks up and catches me staring.

I don’t even bother looking away.

He has a devious smile on, and I don’t like it. He looks…confident. Like he’s just won a hand of poker or caught a canary.

Tags: R.S. Grey Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024