Always Mine (Coming Home To The Grove 1) - Page 24

“I love you, Trent,” I whisper.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he says, “Prove it.”

And I do just that.Epilogue 2Carrie“So I drove by the B&B the other day. I can’t believe all the changes. It looks amazing!” I tell Lacy as I bring coffee and pastries to the table. I’m taking a break from my job at Patty Cakes so I can visit with my friend.

We were good friends back in high school. I’ve talked to Lacy a few times on the phone since I’ve been back, but this is the first time we’ve actually made plans to see each other and kept them.

“Thanks, Carrie! My parents have really made the B&B something. But what about this place? All I’ve heard about are all the new recipes at Patty Cakes. The locals and out-of-towners alike have been raving about the food and pastries coming out of here since you got back.”

I’m never one to take a compliment well, so I change the subject. “So what about you and Trent? I hear it’s pretty serious.” I don’t want to ruin the surprise for her and tell her I already know they’re engaged. It was all around Forest Grove by that same afternoon, I’m sure. But I want to hear it from my friend.

Her smile gets even bigger and she blushes as she holds her hand out toward me. “Yep, we are engaged,” she squeals.

“Oh, Lacy. It’s beautiful!”

“I know. It was his mom’s ring, and that makes it even more special.” Lacy sighs.

My hand goes to my heart. “Oh, I know how much his mom meant to you. That’s so perfect.”

I watch as Lacy looks at her hand, still in awe. I remember how devastated Lacy was when she and Trent broke up after graduation and his parents passing. I’m so happy that they have found their way back to each other.

The bell rings, and my eyes fly to the door. I know this is the normal time that the sheriff comes in for his midmorning coffee, so I’m not surprised to see him, but I still feel my heart yammering in my chest. I give him a little wave, but instead of getting in line, he takes a seat at a table.

I try to pay attention to what Lacy is saying, but I can’t stop looking over at the sheriff. Each time our gaze meets, I look away quickly. He’s staring at me. I can just feel it.

Finally, I excuse myself from Lacy and walk over to the sheriff’s table.


“Scott. Remember I asked you to call me Scott?” He smiles at me, and I try my best not to stutter. Why does he have to be so good looking?

“Uh, Scott, I can’t help but notice you didn’t get your coffee. Is everything okay?”

He leans across the table, and his manly scent fills my nose. I want to breathe him in, but I know that’s probably not a good idea. Surely he’d notice.

“I like the way you make my coffee. But I wasn’t going to interrupt you. I can wait. I was just sitting here enjoying the view.”

I can feel the heat flush through my face and body. “I’ll get your coffee.”

I walk away, almost running toward the counter. I try to take deep calming breaths while I prepare his drink. Patty could surely fix it the same way I do. I look over my shoulder, and sure enough, he’s still watching me.

I turn back to the coffee pot and finish pouring, adding the extra cinnamon and the homemade French vanilla creamer. I also grab his favorite savory treat, because I know he doesn’t like too many sweets.

I set his coffee and quiche down in front of him, but instead of digging in, he just stares at me.

I feel like he wants to say something, but when he doesn’t, I excuse myself. “I have to get back to my friend.”

I don’t wait for a response. I turn quickly and hightail it back to the table with Lacy. I don’t realize until I set down that Lacy has watched the whole thing, and my face is lit up like a Christmas tree I’m sure. “So do you want to tell me what that is about?”

“Shhh, keep it down,” I respond, looking over at the sheriff. Sure enough, he’s still watching me while enjoying his snack and coffee. He smiles even bigger when he catches me looking at him. I turn back toward Lacy with a shrug. “He likes my coffee.”

Lacy purses her lips and looks side to side. “For real, Carrie. He likes more than your coffee.”

The way she starts wiggling her eyebrows, we both burst out laughing. Gosh, it’s good to catch up with her. I’ve definitely missed hanging with my old friend.

Lacy and I visit until the lunch rush starts. We promise to have a girl’s night out soon. I intend to hold Lacy to that promise.

Tags: Hope Ford Coming Home To The Grove Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024