One Wild, Crazy, Zombie Night (Mystic Willow Bay, Witches 4) - Page 7

What? I have a soft spot for the walking dead, okay?

“Don’t worry; I’m going to take care of you.” For now, anyway. “I just need to make sure your master isn’t looking for you.” The last thing I need is for a zombie master to show up right now. Seriously, those dudes are more batshit crazy than demons, which is saying a lot.

She sways her head from side to side, and I take that as a no.

“Do you know who turned you?” I ask, because I sure as hell don’t. I have a suspicion Eva is going to think it was me. Just like she thinks I killed Ryleigh.

Ryleigh shakes her head again, another drop of blood falling from her eye.

While blood usually represents hunger in a zombie, I have the strangest feeling she might be crying. Odd, since zombies rarely show emotion.

“Come with me,” I tell Ryleigh, looping my arm through hers.

She grunts something about wanting to know where we’re going as she trudges along beside me.

“Well, first we’re going to feed you, and then I’m going to take you to see Eva,” I tell her as I guide her down the sidewalk.

She shakes her head and stops walking, babbling about not wanting to see Eva, that she’ll hurt her.

“You’ll be fine after you eat,” I assure her. “And I know the best place to get some zombie fine dining without all the hassle of killing someone. How does that sound?”

“Gahhh …” She opens her mouth, her eyes dripping with blood tears of hunger.

“Good, then let’s get going.” I start walking again, and she stumbles along with me. “We need to hurry, though.” I flick a glance at the watch on my wrist, since the town clock’s hands are currently spinning backward. “Because, after you eat and before we meet Eva, I need to have a little chat with a faerie traitor.”



“I feel stupid for even trying to dress up,” I whine as I stand in the middle of the attic, letting Peyton give my hair one final tease.

An attic for a bedroom doesn’t look as nearly bad as it sounds. Well, except for the dust on the beams, the bat hanging out in the window, and the coffin perched against the wall.

“You shouldn’t feel stupid. You look great.” She sets the comb down and steps in front of me to assess my getup. “Totally freak show worthy.”

“And that’s a good thing?” I ask, frowning doubtfully at the short, lace-trimmed dress I’m wearing. The look is topped off with a long, ankle-length over-shirt, knee-high socks, and platform shoes.

Peyton actually wanted me to sport heels, but I told her that, unless she secretly wished for me to face dive down the stairway, we should probably stick to simpler shoes. Platforms were our compromise.

After the outfit, she worked on my hair, curling and teasing. Then she put a dab of lip-gloss on and some eyeliner then singsonged a ta-da, as if revealing a princess.

I don’t feel like a princess, though. At all. I feel like a freak, which I guess, considering where we’re going, is fitting.

“Now all we need is a bit of vampire blood.” She opens her mouth and lifts her arms, preparing to sink her teeth into her flesh.

“Wait.” I reach out to stop her. “What about Hunter?”

“Crap, I was hoping you’d forget about him,” she teases. Well, sort of.

“You thought I’d forget about my best friend who’s about to drink vampire blood for me?” I question, readjusting the velvet choker that’s around my neck.

She shrugs. “A vampire can hope, right? Besides, aren’t you two sort of fighting because he’s been lying to you about your friendship and about being in that stupid Mystic Willow Bay Society thing. Which, FYI, I have to say, is only full of complete control freaks who want to control everyone in this town.”

“I think they try to protect it, too,” I say. “At least, that’s what I’ve been told.”

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t believe everything you’ve been told.” She picks up a tube of lipstick from off the dresser. “From what I’ve heard, the society has all sorts of hidden agendas, starting with eliminating all the creatures they deem evil.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“I’ve heard people whispering.” She lightly taps her ear then removes the cap from the lipstick tube and reapplies a coat to her lips.

“About what exactly?” I wonder if Hunter, Opal, and Ryleigh know anything. Are they still keeping secrets from me?


Well, except for Ryleigh. Right now, she couldn’t even tell me anything if she wanted to.

“What do you think—”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Are you ready to go yet?” Hunter asks. “It’s getting late.”

Rolling her eyes, Peyton crosses the room and throws open the door. “You know, for someone who didn’t even want to go, you sure are impatient about being late.”

“I’m not impatient. I was just hoping maybe Eva changed her mind …” He trails off as his gaze finds me. Then his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard.

“What?” Feeling self-conscious, I wrap my arms around myself as his gaze drags up and down my body. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because,” is all he says as he steps toward me. “You look …” He struggles for words as he stops in front of me, still eyeballing me like I’m some curiously strange creature he’s never seen before.

“Freaky?” I offer.

He shakes his head. “No, not really.”

“Well, then Peyton failed big time,” I tell him. “I think she was going for freaky …” I trail off as he folds his fingers around my wrists. Then he moves my arms away from me, and angles his head to the side as he meticulously studies me.

“I like this look on you. I mean, you always look pretty.” His lips quirk, and I roll my eyes. “But this is …” He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. “I don’t even think there’s a word for it.”

“I think it’s called succubussing or something like that.” Wiggling my wrists from his grip, I step back.

Hunter stares me down hard. “That’s not what this is about.”

“Yes, it is. You just don’t realize it.” I start to move around him, but he sidesteps me, blocking my way. Then he backs me up until I’m trapped between the wall and him.

“You want to know how I know I’m not being controlled by your powers?” he asks, and I nod. Without removing his gaze from mine, he reaches inside the collar of his shirt and reveals a necklace attached to a glass vial filled with a glittery purple liquid. “You know what this is, right?”

I nod, swallowing hard. “Love potion repellent.”

“Also known as succubus repellent,” he tells me. “Which means that, while I’m wearing it, I’m immune to the sexual charms of a succubus.”

“How long have you been wearing it?”

“Ever since Tina Marrienale slipped some love potion into my drink.”

“But that was, like, three years ago.”

He gives me a pressing look. “Exactly.”


None of this makes sense. If he’s telling the truth, then that means all the kissing we’ve been doing lately was real.

“But what about that dream you had right before zombie witch Ryleigh showed up? The one that I was in … I was using my succubus powers then to try to seduce you in your dreams.”

“The repellent only repels unwanted powers,” he explains. “Which means, if I want to get seduced by someone, then I can.”

“Oh.” My mind is racing a million miles a minute, trying to process what he’s saying.

He wanted to be seduced by me? That’s a good thing, right? What I’ve always wanted.

Still, he lied to me.

“Look, I know we still have a lot to talk about and work through,” Hunter says, tucking the necklace back underneath his shirt. “But I just wanted to show you that so you’d stop blaming your succubus powers every time I touch or try to kiss you and then make me stop. Only ma

ke me stop if you want me to stop, okay?”

I nod, something still plaguing my mind. Or a lot of things do, anyway. I can only deal with the one right now.

“Aren’t you freaked out by all this? I mean, I have succubus blood in me, for wailing out loud. And demon’s blood. And witches’ blood. And demon feeder’s blood.”

“You have demon feeder’s blood?” he asks, not entirely shocked, but a drop surprised.

“Oh, did I not mention that yet?” I play dumb, knowing full well I’ve purposefully been keeping stuff from him.

“No, you didn’t, but it does explain a lot.” He observes me intently with an indecipherable look. “And why would I care if you have demon and witch blood in you. I already knew that.”

Again, all I can come up with is, “Oh.”

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Mystic Willow Bay, Witches Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024