One Wild, Crazy, Zombie Night (Mystic Willow Bay, Witches 4) - Page 10

“Man, they really must be freaks then,” Hunter taunts, though even he seems dazed by all the dazzling lights and flashy costumes.

I lightly pinch him on the arm. “Hey, be nice.”

He rubs his arm, which is already welting.

“Sorry, I forgot about the whole vampire strength thingy.”

Honestly, I haven’t forgotten about it at all.

In fact, it’s all I’ve thought about from the moment I drank blood from Peyton’s arm, which is as disgusting as it sounds. But the power pumping through my veins right now, the coordination, the strength, the sight, it’s wonderful.

I’ve never been coordinated before. This is kind of awesome.

Just to test out my new powers, I spin around on one foot, and then leap through the air.

Hunter shoots me a quick warning look before redirecting his concentration on the crowd. “Don’t distract me while I’m keeping a lookout for demons.”

“How is this distracting you?” I repeat the spin then end it with a bow.

His gaze flicks to me again. “You’re crazy if you think doing that isn’t distracting every guy who can see you. Your dress barely covers your ass when you spin.” His gaze dips downward to my legs. “Not that it’s a bad view. I just don’t think the entire freak show should get to see it.”

I cast a glance at the mob of people crowding around us. “Newsflash, Hunter. If they’re staring at us, it’s probably because of Peyton. Either that, or I’m drawing in attention with my succubus powers.”

Hunter rolls his eyes. “You do realize succubus don’t use their powers all the time, right? They have to turn them on.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know how to control mine,” I point out. “So maybe I’m using them unintentionally.”

“You’re not,” Peyton chimes in, snatching a goblet of blood from a blood booth as we pass by. “The only power you can use right now is vampire power.” She moves the goblet underneath my nose. “Doesn’t that smell good?”

I waver. “It kind of does … Maybe I could have just a tiny sip.” I start to reach for the goblet.

Hunter smacks my hand away. “No more blood,” he warns. “It’ll just take that much longer for the powers to fade from your system.”

I heave a frustrated sigh. “You’re such a blood drinker pooper.”

He shakes his head, restraining a smile. “And you’re the most distracting girl I know.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I wonder as I move away and around a clown with neon pink hair.

Man, I am not a fan of clowns. Never have been. This one is extra creepy, with the come hither look she’s trying to give me.

Then she crooks her finger at me.

Um, yeah, no way am I going over there.

“It’s a bad thing when I’m trying to protect you,” Hunter carries on the conversation as I return to his side. “My attention should be on looking out for demons, but I’m distracted by your long legs in those knee-high socks. Seriously, why couldn’t you have just worn jeans?”

I throw him a sugary sweet smirk. “You know, those charming lines of flattery would work if I hadn’t witnessed you flirt with every pretty—beautiful,” I correct myself, and his lips quirk, “witch you crossed paths with.”

“You think I’m feeding you a line right now?” He takes my hand and presses it against his chest. “I think your legs are gorgeous, but extremely distracting.”

The truth of his words burns through our shared magic. I may have swooned myself into a state of ditzy dreamland, but the clown comes running up to me and ruins the moment.

“Beware of the clock,” she giggles hysterically. “Beware of the clock. Beware when the clock spins backward.” Giggles, giggles, followed by more giggles.

I’m about one step away from peeing my pants, when Hunter thankfully pulls me into his arms and steers me away from her.

We walk soundlessly for a while before he finally asks, “Are you okay?”

I nod. “Clowns just give me the creeps. That’s all.”

“I know they do.” He rubs his hand up and down my arm, erasing the goose bumps.

His words strike a chord in a way that I’m not sure if I love or hate. But he’s right. He does know me. He knows almost everything about me.

“I don’t really know much about you.” I frown at my own words.

He turns his head, his gaze snagging mine. “We can change that.”

I carry his gaze. “How?”

His lips part. “I—”

“Don’t touch the bubbles,” Peyton shouts with panic in her eyes as she whirls around toward us right as a bubble pops in my face.



“Why? What do the bubbles do?” Hunter asks right as one pops against his forehead. His eyes widen. “Ah, shit.”

Peyton sighs heavily. “Well, I guess it’s too late now.”

I’m about to ask her what’s going to happen, when suddenly, the strongest urge to touch Hunter rises inside me.

“You’re so pretty,” I say, cupping his cheek. “I’ve always thought that.”

A trace of a smile rises on Hunter’s face, but then his grin falters. “What was in the bubbles?” he asks Peyton.

Instead of answering him, she hands him a card.

“Shit,” he says as he reads the note on the card.

“That’s the second time you’ve said that in the last thirty seconds.” I stroke his cheek with my fingertip. “That’s okay, though. I still think you’re pretty.”

“Well, for the record, I think you’re pretty, too.” He sweeps strands of hair out of my eyes. “But you should also know that someone slipped some love confession potion into the bubbles.”

“Oh.” I rack my brain for why that’s bad, but all I see are confessions waiting to be divulged. “Does that mean you were slipped some, too?”

“Well, it’s in the bubbles, but since I have this.” He taps the collar of his shirt where the love potion repellent pendant is hidden. “I’m not affected.”

“Well, that’s not very fair.” I sulk. “Who would want to do this to me?”

When he hands me the card, my pout deepens.


I told you I would get my revenge. Inside the bubbles is a bit of love confession potion that will force you to reveal your true feelings to Hunter. And I can’t wait to enjoy watching him crush your heart.



Crap. Through all the madness, I’d completely forgotten about how Claire texted me and threatened to get me back for accidentally spilling that she had a crush on Troy. This was

back in high school, and the only reason I spilled the beans is because I was blasted with a spilling secrets spell.

Well, I guess she’s finally getting her revenge, because I’m about to pour my heart and soul out to Hunter.

“Hunter, I need to tell you something,” I say, then take a deep breath. “I think—”

He stops me with a kiss while pulling my body flush to his. He winds his arm around me and finds my ass as his tongue parts my lips. But as quickly as the wonderfully sporadic kiss started, it ends as Hunter pulls away.

“I don’t want to hear it like this.” He kisses me again before turning toward Peyton. “Just get us to the tent so we can distract her.”

Peyton nods and walks forward while Hunter fuses his lips against mine. He kisses me deeply while leading me somewhere, and I easily follow, completely trusting him. By the time we finally do come up for air, I’m breathless and we’re standing in a big red tent. And we’re not alone.

Max, the sexy Gothic prince demon, and Ryleigh, the zombie witch, are standing near the far back wall. Max takes one look at Hunter’s arm wrapped around my waist, and then shakes his head.

“So, you forgave him.” He tsks me as he pushes away from the wall of the tent. The chain attached to his beltloops jingles as he makes his way toward me. “Eva, I’m so disappointed in you. And I thought I told you to come alone.”

“Like I would let her come here alone to meet you,” Hunter says, drawing me closer to him.

I feel the strangest tug toward Max and nearly run for him, but luckily, I keep my feet planted. As an extra precaution, though, I loop my arms around Hunter’s waist.

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Mystic Willow Bay, Witches Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024