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That Night (Coming Home To The Grove 4)

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“He acted fine. Really, I think I’m just being sensitive, that’s all. Let’s change the subject. How is Brody doing, Rose?”

She smirks at me because it’s obvious I’m grasping at straws to get the attention off myself, but thankfully, Rose helps me out. “He’s doing better. He’s going crazy not able to do anything. But he should be released to go back to work next week.”

I look at her to see how she’s taking it. “You okay with that?” They were on shaky ground not long ago, and I’ve been worried about her since.

But she doesn’t seem worried. “Yes. I’m good with it, actually. We’ve come up with a plan, and we’re going to make it work. Brody keeps saying that he’ll quit, but that’s not an option. We’re going to make it work.”

Everyone is talking then, and I join in, trying to ignore Lacy’s curious glances.DerrickWaking up early because of a sexy dream I had about Olivia, I am even grumpier than before. I get to work early and think I’ll check on the steer so that it’s less likely I’ll run into the she-devil that’s haunting my dreams when she comes to check on the steer and Petey.

“What’s wrong with you this morning?” Trent asks me as I step through the porch. “You’ve slammed every door and cabinet this morning and been in a crappy mood the past few days.”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind. Like running a ranch for one. I’m just going to check on the steer and then head out to pasture.”

He must notice me watching the main road every time a car goes by. Our driveway is long, and you can see the dust rise and usually hear the tires on the gravel road when people come in through the gate. But it looks like the coast is clear.

“Are you trying to avoid the cute new vet? You weren’t very nice to her yesterday.”

“First of all, what do you think Lacy would think about you calling another woman cute? And second of all, I was nice to her. I’m nice to everyone,” I tell him defensively.

“Lacy doesn’t have anything to worry about, and you know it. Just admit it, you think she’s cute. I sensed some serious vibes from both of you.”

“I never said she was cute,” I growl stubbornly.

Trent smirks at me. “Really? All the ranch hands seem to think she’s got some seriously sexy curves. So I’m not really sure how you missed that.”

I can feel my ears burning with my temper flaring. “Way to objectify the vet, Trent. And you tell the guys to stay away from her,” I huff. “You know what? Forget it, I’ll go tell them. That’s the only way things get done right around here anyway.” I’m sure my comment will make him feel guilty, but it doesn’t seem to.

“Fine. While you’re in the barn, say hi to Olivia. She’s already seen to the steer. She’s with Petey now. You can still catch her.”

I look toward the barn, and sure enough, there’s her truck parked right next to it.

I hate that a huge part of me wants to go and see the woman who’s haunting my dreams, but I don’t give in to my wants. Instead I say, “I don’t need to talk to the vet, Trent. I’ve got work to do. I’m not calling myself a rancher so I can gab at every good-looking woman who passes through.”

“I knew you liked the way she looks. I knew there was something there.”

I don’t even stand there and argue with him. I stalk off the porch, and instead of going into the barn, where I’m sure to see the vet, I grab the four-wheeler to go out to the fourth pasture. If I can get out on the range and do a full day of man’s work, I’ll be able to push Olivia back into the corner of my mind where every other one-night stand or weekend good time gets filed away.10OliviaIt’s been a long day of work, and yet I’m still thinking about how I didn’t see Derrick out at the Keller Ranch.

Was he avoiding me?

I give myself a mental kick in the pants. Of course he wasn’t hiding from me. It isn’t like everything the man does has something to do with me. It just sucked that I didn’t get to see him. He may not be the guy I get to kick up my heels with, but he sure isn’t hard to look at either. My whole body shivers just thinking about his hard chest, thick thighs, and him grunting over top of me as he took me.

Since it seems I’ll probably be running into him from time to time in the small town or on the ranch, I’ll have to figure out how to have a cordial relationship with him.

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