Keeping Her (Savage Brothers Second Generation 2) - Page 53

And I do it all while wondering if it’s illegal to be this happy.38Grunt“Hey.”

I look over to see Jasmine’s brother walking toward me. Fuck, I could use something to drink. Unfortunately, all I’ve seen at this place is some kind of pink punch.

“Sup,” I mutter.

Hawk laughs. “You’re looking a little out of place here, buddy.”

“Until I saw you I didn’t think there was any testosterone here besides mine,” I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

My gaze goes over to the corner where Jasmine is laughing with Gabby and a bunch of other women that I don’t know. My body relaxes when I see the way Daisy is curled up in Jasmine’s lap and her hand is lovingly combing through Daisy’s curls. My baby girl looks like she’s in heaven. She whispers something to Jasmine and Jasmine stops talking to smile down at Daisy and kisses her forehead.

“You love her.”

My gaze jerks back to Hawk. “Do you really think I’d be here if I didn’t?”

Hawk shrugs as if he doesn’t understand and that’s the minute I start to piece shit together. Jasmine may understand and know about the clubs and shit, but Hawk seems rather clueless. Hell, he’s even dressed in gym shorts and a white and blue Kentucky Wildcat t-shirt. I don’t know why I find this interesting, but I do. You would think the only son of the Savage Brothers MC VP, would be a biker because it was in his blood. I’ve got to wonder if this guy even knows how to ride a bike.

“Jazz is headstrong,” Hawk says, and I give a small laugh, a crooked smile on my face.

“Yeah, that’s a fucking understatement,” I agree quietly.

“She’s got a heart big as the fucking ocean though, man,” he says, as if he needs to explain that shit to me.

“Not telling me anything I don’t know, Hawk,” I respond, using his name, because if he’s got the balls to talk to me about his sister and defend her, I can show him respect. Besides, from hearing Jasmine talk, this is the one member of her family who has her back no matter what.

“Good. Jazz was hurt enough in the past. I don’t want someone using her to try and get an in with dad’s club or some stupid shit.”

“That’s rich,” I laugh, although there’s no humor in the sound.

“What’s that mean?”

“Listen, I’m trying to be civil here because you’re looking out for your sister and I can respect that, but you need to stop before you piss me off.”

“Frankly, I don’t give a damn if I piss you off,” he says and the boy might dress like an overgrown kid, but he’s got balls.

“Man, until yesterday I didn’t even know about your old man or his club. I wasn’t exactly happy to get the news and I’m not sure how he’s going to react to me claiming his daughter. I also don’t give a fuck, because I’m not giving her up. So, while I respect you looking out for your sister, you need to step back.”

“What’s going on here?”

I turn to see Jasmine walking my way. My eyes instantly tracking Daisy who is playing with another little kid about her age. She looks so happy that contentment fills me. Until today, I don’t think my baby ever had anyone her own age to play with.

“Nothing, Red,” I tell her, opening my arm up for her to slide into, which she does.

“Are you behaving little brother?” Jasmine asks, and I laugh, quickly turning it into a cough to save the poor bastard a little of his ego.

“Screw you, Jazz. I was just talking with your new boytoy.”

“Hawk, the next time you call Luke my boytoy, I’m going to give him permission to snap your neck.”

“Are you two at it again? Can’t I go one place where my children aren’t trying to kill one another?” My body tightens as Jasmine’s mother comes in close. My hand tightens on my woman and I know it has everything to do with the fact that I need to be ready to defend Jasmine. I don’t know her mom, but I know she made her cry last time they got together. Theirs is a relationship that I don’t quite get. Then again, I never had a mom, so maybe I’m missing something that is obvious to others.

“Jasmine is just busting my balls, Mom,” Hawk says, kissing his mother’s cheek. Jasmine leaves my arms to go and hug her mother and I let her—reluctantly.

“Jazz, I’ve missed you,” her mom whispers, hugging her tightly. I watch as the woman’s eyes close and it’s clear she loves Red, so I’m not sure what the push and pull is between them. Maybe now that Red and I’ve cleared the air, I can get her to open up to me more. Trying is definitely on my to-do list.

Tags: Jordan Marie Savage Brothers Second Generation Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024