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Taking Her Down (Savage Brothers Second Generation 1)

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“I wouldn’t know. I just figured that’d be what Betty would want to keep.”

“I doubt Betty cares since she’s my bike.”

“You named your bike… Betty?”



“Because she’s mean and temperamental, just like a woman.”

“Your judgement of women is so flattering,” she mutters.

“It’s just the simple truth,” I counter.

“Probably so, around you,” she mumbles.

“What’s that mean?”

“It means women tend to get mean when you play with their emotions.”

“How in the fuck did I do that? You’re the one who let that fucking prospect between your legs after promising me that your body was mine. You’re lucky I didn’t fuck you right in front of your dad’s entire club and prove who owns you.”

“First of all, no one owns me—”

“I do.”

“Second of all,” she says, acting like I didn’t even speak and giving me a pissed off look that makes me want to kiss the hell out of her. “If you tried to touch me at the club, my uncles and cousins would have taken you down so quick, you wouldn’t have known what hit you. And, third—”

“You have an awful lot of confidence in your daddy’s men,” I mumble, wondering why that should piss me off—just knowing it does.

“And third, if you’d tried to fuck me I would have cut your dick off and fed it to the Twinkies hanging all over you.”

“My girl can be vicious,” I respond, shaking my head as I merge into the other lane to pass a log truck on my right.

“I’m not being vicious,” she says with a shrug, as if she’s not pissed right now, even though I know she would love to claw my eyes out. She looks at me, I can see her through my peripheral vision when she smiles. It’s not a warm smile, it’s a spirited smile that’s full of challenge and makes me want to fuck her until we both can’t move. “I’d just be giving them what they were begging for when they were crawling all over you like fleas.”

“Fleas?” I laugh.

“That’s what happens when you lay with dogs, or in this case bitches in heat.”

She turns away from me then, choosing to look out the passenger window and dismissing me.

“I didn’t sleep with them, Kayden.”

“Not my business who you sleep with, Chains.”

“You seem pretty pissed for someone who doesn’t care.”

“Nope. Although, I am sad for you.”

“Sad?” I ask, completely amused and wondering what turn her sassy mouth is going to take now. I swear this woman keeps me guessing and I have to admit that I love every fucking minute of it.

“Yeah, because if you’re telling the truth and didn’t fuck them, which you’re probably not—”

“Kayden, damn it—”

“It’s bad because it would have been the last fuck you’ll ever get. Soon, my dad will catch up with you, and when he does, he’ll kill you and take his time doing it,” she says, sounding like the thought actually cheers her up.

“Your father may actually succeed in killing me, Baby Girl.”

“Yeah, he will,” she says, still looking out the window.

“But he’ll do it with the cum from your juicy cunt coating my cock.”

She practically jumps in her seat and she turns to look at me then, her mouth open in shock. I give her a wink and then turn my attention back to the road. I know where I’m headed and with any luck, none of the Savage Brothers will be able to find us for a long damn time.15Kayden“Thank God. I need to stretch my legs,” I moan when Chains finally pulls into a gas station. We’ve been driving for hours. Dad insisted I get a car cheap on gas, he said it was economical. I say it’s because he didn’t want me speeding. Still, I didn’t mind, but the fact I had just filled my tank up, then was kidnapped and forced to ride for hours upon hours without stopping, sucks balls.

“Sorry, Baby Girl, that’s not happening,” he says and before I know what he’s doing, he grabs my hand, slaps a handcuff on my wrist and locks the other one to the steering wheel.

“You have got to be kidding me!” I growl, yanking my hand back and forth to try and get free.

“Can’t have you trying to escape, now can I?” he says with a wink.

I’m really beginning to despise the way he winks.

“Chains, you let me out of this car right now or I’ll scream so loud that the cops will come running to take you down.”

“You’d really do that, wouldn’t you?” he asks, studying me closely.

“In a fucking heartbeat,” I promise him.

“I had hoped to gag you with my cock, but someone has to pump the gas. This will have to work in a pinch,” he says. He takes out…

“Oh my God! Is that my panties?”

“Yeah. I hate to do it, but if you’re going to scream, I don’t really have a choice. I’ll have to cuff your other hand too. You’re really making this so much harder than it needs to be, Kayden.”

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