Taking Her Down (Savage Brothers Second Generation 1) - Page 20

“You are literally insane,” I whisper pushing away from him—not that I can get far, seeing as how I’m cuffed to the steering wheel.

“If I am, it’s because you made me this way. A man doesn’t like claiming a woman and then watching her give it away to someone else. I warned you from the beginning, I don’t share Kayden. You should have listened.”

“You put that in my mouth and you won’t have to worry about my father, Chains. I’ll kill you.”

“It’s okay, Baby. I’ve cum all over these more than a few times. You’ll like them in your mouth,” he smirks, holding my panties between his fingers and waving them.

I’m equal parts outraged, freaked out and turned on and I can’t figure out why that last one is even happening.

“Absolutely not. You are not putting that in my mouth.”

“You’re not leaving me much choice, Kayden. I have to pump the gas and take a piss. I can’t do that if I’m worried you’re going to make a commotion.”

“You get to piss and I don’t?”

“We’ll be somewhere soon where you can. But if you’re going to insist, I’ll take you to the men’s room when I’m done.”

“Gee, you’re all heart,” I mutter, starting to form a plan in my mind.

“All heart and a big dick,” he says with a grin. “Now, are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard?”

“If I’m good, do you promise to take me to the restroom when you’re done?”


“Fine, then I’ll make sure I’m good.”

“Can I trust you?”

“On this, only because if I don’t pee I’ll end up ruining my car seat. Not that you would care, but I happen to like my car.”

“Fair enough. Although I’m a little sad I don’t get to stuff these babies in that delectable mouth of yours.”

“If you so much as tried, I would have clamped down on your jugular and yanked it out with my teeth,” I warn him, not completely joking.

“You’re going to have to get over this aversion you have of things being stuffed in your mouth, Kayden. It might cause problems in our future relationship.”

“I’d worry about that if you weren’t a walking dead man,” I mumble refusing to think he looks sexy right now with that cocky grin and those dark eyes of his glinting with victory.

“So much confidence in your father. Just think what could happen if you have that much confidence in me, Baby Girl,” he says softly, the playfulness gone from his face so abruptly that I have to blink to make sure I’m not seeing things. Then, his thumb caresses against my lips as if he’s carefully thinking something over, his gaze not truly focusing on me, instead cloudy and distant in thought. He kisses me. Barely more than a lip touch, a whispered breath against my skin and then he’s gone, slamming the car door shut.

I have a feeling I’ve hurt him somehow and I have no idea how. I shrug it off because obviously, I’m starting to suffer from some sort of Stockholm syndrome or some shit. I remind myself he was the one with Twinkies draped all over him after blowing me off for the evening. The memory of that is painfully easy to pull up. Then, I recall how he not only kidnapped me, but destroyed my cellphone and threatened to stuff used panties in my mouth. This isn’t some great romance, where the guy is just misunderstood. He’s obviously unhinged, even if Keanna would approve that he’s hot as hell.

With that in mind, I look to make sure Chains is nowhere around. My eyes track him through the windows of the store and see him going into the restroom. Quickly I stretch my body and reach over to the passenger side. I shift so I can reach under the seat, wincing at the pain it causes when the metal of the cuff presses into my wrist. I fumble for a little while, searching aimlessly, the tips of my fingers finally finding what I need. I’m so excited a startled squeal leaves my lips and then I quickly look over my shoulder, half expecting to see Chains there.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I don’t.

“Thank God,” I mutter. Then, focus all of my attention on capturing the Tracfone that Dad makes me and my brothers carry in our vehicles at all time. I thought it was annoying, but now I’m starting to see his reasoning. I grab it quickly. It’s old school, hopefully useless for anything but emergency calls. I flip—yes flip—it open and dial the number Dad made us memorize before we were barely old enough to make complete sentences.

“Kayden! Where in the fuck are you?”

My eyes close and I smile, instantly feeling better about anything.

“I’m okay, Dad.”

“Then why did Dance tell me you’ve been kidnapped? Why in the fuck can none of my men find you and why am I heading back from Tennessee with half an army with me?”

Tags: Jordan Marie Savage Brothers Second Generation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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