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Devil (Savage MC--Tennessee 1)

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“Does it?”

“Definitely. A little something extra so you always remember it and come back for more.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re comparing your sandwich to your dick?”

“Actually it’s sex. All good cooking should remind you of sex.”


“Definitely, Angel.”

“What about fruitcake?”

I giggle when he screws his face up in distaste.

“I said good cooking, woman.”

“Well, hand me some bread and I’ll spread the peanut butter stuff on it. I’m suddenly hungry.”

“Now we’re talking,” he jokes, while handing me the bread. “You do that and I’ll add the bananas to the other side.”

I get one done and he takes his slice with the bananas and smashes them together—being really messy.


“Sometimes the best things in life are messy, but when it all comes together it can be perfect,” he says and he leans over to kiss me.

It’s not a long kiss, it’s short and sweet, but it makes me feel happy. It makes me feel like I matter to him and I’m starting to believe I really do. Why else would a man go through as much as he has and still be in my kitchen tonight making me sandwiches… and mostly making me smile?

All signs are pointing to the fact that Devil likes me.

Like I do him…

“You have peanut butter on you,” I tell him when he pulls away.

“I do? Where?”

“Right here,” I tell him, grinning. I take my finger and smear some of the peanut butter I got on it from handling the sandwich and rub it on his nose.

He doesn’t do anything for a minute and then his eyes light in mischief and he grins really big.

“You know this means war, right, Angel?” he says and I start to get a little nervous and then he grabs me by the arms and pulls my face to his and rubs his nose against mine, making me laugh so hard I snort.

Yeah… I really like him.Devil“I’ve had a really good time tonight, Logan,” Torrent whispers and I hug her closer.

We’re lying on her bed. Unfortunately, we’re both completely clothed. She has her head on my shoulder and one of her legs draped over mine. I’m holding my other hand out and she’s put hers against it. Her fingers, to my fingers, her thumb to mine and needless to say mine is much larger, definitely darkened from the sun more, and covered in ink. Still, there’s something hypnotic about the way they look together.

“I did too, Angel. Probably the best night I’ve had in a long damn time.”

“I’m not only talking about tonight, though to be honest I now have a new favorite food in peanut butter and banana sandwiches.”

“I told you, it’s all about the honey,” I grin, sliding my fingers between hers and bringing our joined hands to my lips to kiss hers.

“I liked the cinnamon sugar you topped it with more, I think,” she giggles. “But seriously, this whole day has been great. It was good to ride on the back of your bike again too,” she says quietly.

I think back to when I left the hotel with her. She tried to talk me out of it, but there was no way I was going to let her go all the way back in town without me. Instead, I put her on the back of my bike and took back streets until we were a block from the spa. Then I walked her around back and helped her inside. I honestly don’t think it’s dawned on her how much she’s trying to keep from upsetting Wolf. She might not think she’s afraid of the man, but clearly there’s something going on.

“You belong on my bike, Torrent,” I tell her, steering away from my thoughts of Wolf. I will deal with that son of a bitch soon.

Very soon.

“Things are complicated, Logan.”

“We’ll un-complicate them,” I promise her and I will. Torrent doesn’t know it yet, but I’m not about to give her up this time.

“You make it sound so simple, Logan.”

Torrent sighs, turning over on her back and disengaging from me. I turn to my side so I can see her.

“Most things are simple, Angel. It’s people who fuck everything up.”

“I’ve fucked up a lot where you’re concerned,” she confesses.

I let my finger trace an imaginary line along the side of her face, staring at her and taking in everything about her. My finger slides to the corner of her mouth, and I can’t resist stroking in the corner where there’s a tiny dimple showing.

“I’m still here, Angel. I’m not leaving.”

“Why?” she asks.

“Because I have faith that we’re meant to be, even if you don’t.”

“What makes you so sure?” she asks.

“What’s more meant to be than an angel and a devil?” I ask her and she grins, deepening her dimple and making it impossible not to kiss her.

I taste her lips, kissing her softly, eating from her mouth with a sweet slowness, meant to show her only one thing—how special she is to me. She kisses me back, almost shyly. Her fingers slide under my shirt, teasing my stomach. It takes control I didn’t know I had not to force my hand, but I don’t. I need to handle Torrent with an easy touch, until she can see what’s going on. I wasn’t around when her father died. I wasn’t here to save her, but it doesn’t take much to see it’s messed with her mind. It takes even less to realize that Wolf is playing on that. I have a lot to overcome when it comes to winning Torrent, but I’m damn well going to do it.

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