Planting His Seed - Page 23

“I love you, Carson,” she whispers and finally the fear I’ve been dealing with leaves .

“You can prove that to me,” I grumble, picking her up and carrying her back to our bed .

“But, Carson. I’m on my period …”

“I don’t care. We both need this. I need to know you’re still mine,” I tell her, lying her down on the bed. I unzip my pants and my cock slides out, already hard and leaning towards Jenny and her beautiful full lips .

“I’ll always be yours,” she whispers, just before she takes me into her mouth. I close my eyes and let those words settle inside my heart…inside my very fucking soul .Chapter 20VirginiaI ’m wringing my hands together and looking around the exam room, trying to calm my breathing. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Carson’s right. We have each other and that’s all we need. We could always adopt a child. Whatever happens, as long as we’re together it’s fine .

I keep repeating that to myself and I truly believe it. But at the same time I’m scared of what the doctor will tell us. She did an initial exam and drew some blood. That was over thirty minutes ago and she hasn’t come back in. I was just worried about not having a child, but what if something is wrong with my health? What if —

“Jenny, stop,” Carson says, his voice tender and soft as his hand stretches out over both of mine. “Everything is going to be fine .”

“I know. I’m just…worried .”

“There’s no reason to be, sweetheart. We’ve been through this .”

“I know, Carson. I do. I don’t even know why …”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Haynes. I had an emergency with a patient,” the doctor says, coming back into the room. Carson squeezes my hand reassuringly and I curl into his side as the doctor walks around her desk to sit down and face us .

“That’s okay, doctor. I hope everything is okay .”

“Oh, everything is fine. I just needed to reassure a patient who’s about to become a mother for the first time. Now, I’ve prescribed you some vitamins and for the next few months I want you to take it easy. Make sure you — ”

“I’m sorry, doctor. I feel like we’re missing something here. Is there something wrong with my wife?” Carson asks .

“What? Oh! You don’t know? I asked Dr. Moore to come by and tell you the results .”

“What results?” I ask, before Carson can. “Am I sick? Are we able to have children ?”

“You’re perfectly healthy, both of you. Although you may start to experience some nausea in the coming weeks …”

I feel everything in me freeze. Did I just hear her correctly ?

“Can you tell us what the hell that means?” Carson growls, his patience at an end .

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve made a mess of this. There’s not a thing wrong with your wife, except she’s pregnant .”

The silence stretches on between us, and I glance at Carson, not sure if I heard the doctor correctly .

“I’m… pregnant ? ”

“By our estimation, Mrs. Haynes, you’re about two months pregnant .”

“But I can’t be,” I say, confusion clear in my voice. Then I start crying. Big, wet, sloppy tears .

“But you are .”

“Maybe you should make sure you have the right file? My wife started her period yesterday and we’re here because ...”

“I assure you both, I have the right file. I understand how stressful this all must have been on you, but you are very pregnant .”

“But the bleeding…” I whisper, afraid to let the hope inside of me completely free .

“Sometimes it happens, but you said yourself that today it’s almost stopped. It’s something we’ll watch closely, and one of the reasons I want you to take the next few months easy, but this does happen. I once had a patient who came in five months pregnant and had no idea because she had a period every month just like normal.” She smiles at us and I can see she’s trying to be reassuring. “But because you have the bleeding I am going to schedule you for an ultrasound, just to make sure everything is okay .”

“I can’t believe this,” I whisper and Carson pulls me up from my chair and into his lap. I should chastise him, because we’re in a doctor’s office, but the truth is, I don’t care. I want to be in his lap. I want to be close to him right now. I need his arms around me .

“Jenny…” he whispers, his face brushing mine gently. I look into his eyes and they are bright with unshed tears. He’s smiling .

“I’m pregnant .”

“You’re pregnant,” he repeats .

“I’m having your baby,” I whisper, reality finally settling inside of me .

“You’re having our baby,” he corrects me .

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024