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Unexpected Fall (Unexpected Arrivals 3)

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Giddy excitement washes over me, and that’s crazy because he slept here last night. It’s been a handful of hours since I’ve seen him, but that doesn’t change my excitement at getting to see him. “Hey,” I say, opening the door to greet him.

“Did you even check to see who it was?” he asks, a sour look on his face.

“Yes. Besides, it was your knock.”

“My knock?” he asks, amused.

“Hush.” I lightly push against his chest.

He captures my hands with his, holding them against him. He leans toward me, and I go up on my tiptoes to meet him with a kiss. “That’s better,” he says, releasing me. “You ready to go?”


“You have anything we need to take?”

“Nope. I did all of that last night at their place. Reagan’s kitchen is bigger than my tiny galley.”

“You could have cooked at my place.”

He offered me his kitchen last night, but I was afraid he would push me to talk and I needed, more like wanted, just one more night for things to be… normal. For us to just be us before the possibility of tearing it all apart. I know I’m being irrational, but it’s hard to not let past experiences shadow the future.

“I know, but it made sense to just make it there. Since that’s where we’re going to be today.” We’re headed to Tyler and Reagan’s for Thanksgiving. It’s a week early, but we all have family plans next week, so our Friendsgiving is today. I made two pumpkin pies and two apple pies. Reagan and the boys helped while Tyler and Mark played pool in the basement. By the time we made it back to my place, we were both worn out. We fell right asleep, which left no time for talking. This morning, he had a job he was helping Ridge finish up so he was up and out of my apartment early.

“I guess,” he grumbles. “I feel like I’ve hardly seen you this week. It’s been a week since you asked if we could talk.”

“I know. And we will. Tonight. I’m fine, I promise. Just something I want to run by you.” I blow it off. It’s so much more than that.

“Okay, Pixie,” he says, kissing the corner of my mouth. “Grab your coat.”

I do as he says, and we’re out the door. Mark double-checks that my apartment door is locked before leading me out to his truck with his hand on the small of my back.

“Mom called me just before I got here. We’re still good for dinner at their place next week, right?” he asks.

“Yeah, you sure they don’t mind me crashing?”

“You know they don’t mind. Wouldn’t matter if they did. No way am I letting you spend Thanksgiving alone.”

“Ridge and Kendall invited me,” I remind him. My parents are going on a cruise next week. I’m happy they’re going. They spend so much time, energy, and money on trying to get Destiny clean, they barely have the time or funds to do something just for them. Mom has asked me no less than what seems like a thousand times if I’m okay with them being gone for the holiday. I’m fine with it. I have close friends here, and Mark invited me to his family’s. I won’t be alone.

“You’ll be with me.” His tone of voice tells me that there’s no sense in telling him otherwise. That’s got to be a good sign, right?

“What can I do?” I ask Reagan. She’s scurrying around the kitchen like a busy little bee.

“Umm….” She stops to look at me and starts laughing. “I don’t really know. This is my first time hosting something big like this. I mean, this is more than just burgers on the grill.”

“Let me help. What needs to be done?”

“Well, we need to get the rolls in the oven. We need serving spoons, the deviled eggs need to be set out, the potatoes are ready to be mashed, and we need to set out plates and silverware.”

“Okay, you handle the rolls. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“What can I do?” Kendall asks a moment later, joining us and making Reagan and me laugh. “What?”

“Reagan is a little overwhelmed,” I tell her. I then proceed to rattle off the list that Reagan just gave to me. Together, we get everything sorted. Once the turkey and ham are set on the table, Reagan expels a heavy sigh.

“You did it,” I tell her, pulling her into a hug.

“Not without the two of you.”

“That’s how it should be. Just because you’re hosting doesn’t mean you do all the work,” Kendall assures her.

“How did my mom do this all those years and make it look effortless?” She laughs.

“Right?” I agree with her. “They got their shit together before we were old enough not to remember. We’ll get there,” I say, and they laugh.

“Call in the troops,” Kendall says.

The guys filter into the kitchen, each of them with a baby in their arms. Ridge has Everly, Seth has Knox, Mark has Ben—I know this because Reagan told me who was in blue and the other in red—while Tyler has Beck.

“We need another baby in the family,” Kent announces.

“What?” Ridge asks.

“Another baby.” He waves his hands around the room. “We need another baby.”

“You know how that happens, right?” Mark goads.

“I do, but do you? You two need to get on that.” He points at Mark and then to me.

“What’s wrong with your d— equipment?” Mark asks, catching himself.

“Nothing, but you have the girl, so you’re the obvious next choice.”

Mark looks over at me and smirks. “Practicing is fun.” He grins cheekily.

My face heats. It’s not like we’re a secret, so I’m not sure if it’s the announcement that we’re indeed having sex or the comment that we’re practicing for a baby.

“Hurry the hell up,” Kent grumbles.

“You need to be faster next time,” Seth taunts him.

“Let’s eat,” Reagan says, shaking her head.

The guys insist that we fill our plates first. Reagan and Kendall try to make plates for the kids, but the guys insist they have it under control. So the three of us make our plates and head into the living room, letting the men and babies take the large dining table. The high chairs were already set up, so it’s just easier this way.

The girls and I kick back and relax, enjoying the great food and the company. Raucous laughter flows in from the dining room, from the men and the babies. It’s a great day with family and friend

s, and I’m grateful to be a part of it. My gut twists, wondering if things don’t work out with Mark, how will Friendsgiving go next year. He’s more of this family, been with them longer than I have. Will I be able to handle him being here like this with someone else? Will I be able to handle him talking about “practicing” for babies with someone else?

Hell no.

“Earth to Dawn.” Kendall waves her hand in the air, pulling me out of my inner turmoil.

“Sorry, what?”

“You okay?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I lie.

“You still haven’t talked to him, have you?” Reagan inquires.

“What did I miss?” Kendall questions.

“She’s worried that Mark’s not feeling the same way she is,” Reagan spills.

“What? That’s crazy. Have you not seen the way he looks at you?” Kendall says.

“I know.” I sigh. “I just worry that it’s more serious for me.”

“You never know until you ask him,” Reagan states.

“I’m going to. Tonight. I just wanted some more time. You know, in case my talk scares him off.”

Kendall shakes her head. She knows me better than anyone, and she’s well aware of my hang-up on confronting those I care about. “This is different,” she says softly.

“Babe!” Tyler calls out. “You’ve got to see this.”

“We better go see what’s up.” I stand, ending our little chat. I’m nervous enough as it is. I don’t need more false hope thrust at me. I just need to stop stalling and put it out there and see what he says.

“Oh my.” Reagan laughs. “Looks like the boys like mashed potatoes.”

I take in the twins who are covered in mashed potatoes. What’s even cuter is Knox is now sitting on the table in front of both high chairs. Seth is holding onto him while he feeds them, which explains the mess. Reagan pulls her phone from her back pocket and snaps a few pictures.

“And you.” Kendall sets her now empty plate on the table and pulls Everly from her high chair. “You did a great job of being messy all on your own.” She smiles down at her daughter.

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