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Billion Dollar Stranger

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I down my drink and slide off the barstool in front of my gorgeous husband, so unbelievably happy that he’s finally here with me. “On second thoughts, let’s forget the drink. I slip my hands inside his jacket and stroke up his sides.

“Take me home, baby. I’ve been waiting for too long.”Epilogue

AARON"Can you get the door?" Nicole shouts from the bedroom. Her voice carries to my office, where I'm trying to order her birthday gift. I swear my wife makes it more challenging each year we've been together. She never seems to want anything, even when I ask directly. I've bought her so much jewelry that she'll never be able to wear it all. She has a closet of shoes, clothes, and bags but lives in her favorite jeans and sweaters. Last year I even resorted to buying her a pair of slippers because she's always complaining about having cold feet, despite the climate being warmer here than it is in the UK. I want to keep her safe and healthy, now even more so.

I use my phone to check if it's our expected guests. I sent a car to collect Jessie, Ryan, and Abbey from the airport, despite Ryan's protestations. I get that he's wealthy enough to arrange his own transportation, but it's a matter of hospitality for me. The concierge has notified me of their arrival. I guess the birthday shopping will have to wait until later.

I jog down the winding marble staircase, reaching the front door just in time. I can hear Abbey's excited voice as the elevator doors open in the hallway. When I throw open the door, she runs toward me. "Uncle Aaron," she squeals. My heart practically bursts open at her enthusiasm. I guess maybe it has something to do with the special attention I've always given her. I had a really cool uncle when I was growing up, and it's been my mission to become that for Abbey. I scoop her up and toss her into the air. She's gotten heavier since their last visit, but she's still as light as a feather.

"Again," she laughs when I grasp her around the waist. "Again."

"Abbey," Jessie says in a warning voice. "Don't make Uncle Aaron too excited. You know how he gets."

I snort with laughter. Shouldn't Jessie be saying that to me about her daughter?

I throw Abbey again and then stand her on her tiny feet. "Hang on a minute. You've got something in your ear." I pull a coin from her pretty blonde hair and hand it to her. It's made of chocolate, and she's practically vibrating with happiness.

"Where did you learn that one?" Ryan asks, reaching out to shake my hand. He looks good, and it's a relief. His illness is chronic, but doesn't progress at a predictable rate. I keep expecting him to deteriorate between visits, but I know Jessie is working behind the scenes to do everything to keep him healthy. That, and the love she pours all over him, is keeping him as vibrant as ever. He squeezes my hand firmly, the way he did when we were first introduced. I knew then that I'd like the man.

"It's an old family talent," I say.

"Shame you can’t do it with real gold," Abbey says, peeling the coin and munching it.

Jessie snorts. "And what do you need with real gold coins, missy?"

"We're collecting for charity at school," she says.

"That's my girl." Ryan ruffles her hair like the proud father he is.

"Come in." I grab hold of their case from where Ryan placed it in the doorway. "Nicole is just getting your rooms ready."

"Can I go see?" Abbey asks.

"Sure." I wave to the staircase. "Just be careful not to trip on the way up. You're in the same room as last time."

As I drag the case to the bottom of the stairs, Jessie and Ryan close the door and follow me in. "How was the flight?"

"Amazing," Jessie says.

Ryan throws his arm around his wife's shoulders. "She still hasn't gotten used to traveling without having to queue at the airport."

"And I hope I never become complacent about anything we have," Jessie says. I marvel at how similar Nicole and Jessie are. Cousins from across the pond who have an identical attitude to life.

There are loud squeals of laugher from upstairs. I guess that Abbey has seen her room. Nicole has gone crazy decorating it with a new canopy for the bed and a playhouse in the corner shaped like a tiny castle. "What has Nicole done?" Jessie asks, rolling her eyes.

"Let's just say that Abbey walked into a room that is every little girl's dream," I laugh.

"I'm sure that's exactly what you want in your home." Ryan shakes his head.

"There are enough bedrooms up there to keep one for Abbey."

"You might need to put an extra bed in there," Jessie says, patting her belly that I've suddenly noticed is a whole lot rounder than it was three months ago.

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