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Easy (Chicago Blaze 6)

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We were awkward and clumsy, him shaking with fear of hurting me and me shaking with fear of disappointing him. But afterward, I felt closer to him in every way.

Over the course of that year, we had a lot of sex, using both the pill and condoms as protection for fear of me ending up like Jenna. He snuck me into his bedroom through the window and we’d have to be quiet, which was tough as he got to know my body better.

Erik and I just fit together. There’s no other way to describe it. We learned how to please each other in every possible way. I craved him when we were apart, the feelings only growing stronger with time. Other girls told me how jealous they were that he was mine, and I remember thinking they had no idea. I knew from what other girls told me about their sexual experiences that Erik was unusually amazing.

Even now, I get warm all over remembering the way he’d give me what I called “sex eyes.” I could tell he was having horny thoughts just from how dark and intense his gaze on me became.

And physically? Pfft. He was everything a woman could want and much, much more. I took all that incredible sex for granted, not having any idea that my high school years would pretty much be the pinnacle of my sex life.

I slept with Hunter Jackson and Larry Wright. With Hunter, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good, either. He tried and tried to get me off, but never could, so eventually I’d do it myself. I told him masturbating was my kink, because he would’ve been pissed otherwise.

And with Larry, I just faked it. We only slept together twice and I couldn’t even get turned on enough to want to get myself off. I felt a little guilty, but what else could I do?

Erik’s the only man who’s ever made me orgasm and he probably did it thousands of times.

As a hot pro athlete, he can probably get any woman he wants. But there aren’t unlimited women in Greentree Falls, Wisconsin.

God, I want him in my bed right now. I could easily put the past aside for a night with him.

I shouldn’t though. It would just complicate things.

I look at my cell phone, mentally running through who might have his number.

Kayla Donovan, Cade’s wife. I know Cade has it.

But Erik could very well tell me no, which would make things much more awkward than they already are between us.

What if he says yes, though? What if he says yes and I get a taste of the mind-blowing sex we used to have?

I look up Kayla’s contact and text her, asking for Erik’s number. I’m not even ashamed she’ll know it’s for a shameless booty call, seeing as it’s 9:30 p.m. on a Friday night.

The dry spell has been long.

I wait five minutes, then decide to take a quick shower just in case things go well. My bikini area hasn’t been maintained in a really, really long time.

Kayla still hasn’t written back when I get out of the bathroom. I wonder if she asked Erik and he doesn’t want her to give me his number, but she doesn’t know how to say that.

I’m tingling with hopeful excitement and nervous worry at the same time. I open the Facebook app on my phone, looking Kayla up. I’ll message her there.

Her latest post deflates me, though. It’s from several hours ago, and it shows her all packed and ready to go into the woods with her daughter for a weekend Girl Scout camping trip. When I see #nocellservice, I want to throw the phone across the room.

Shit. I don’t know anyone else who would have Erik’s number, and I can’t call his mom’s house this late.

I grab the TV remote and get back under the covers, bummed even though I know it’s probably for the best. I’m just not a booty call kind of gal.

I’ve just started the latest episode of Outlander when my phone dings with a text. I scoop my phone off the nightstand, my heart pounding with hope.

Kelly: Girls night out tomorrow! You, me and some margs. Ross will watch the kids.

I groan with disappointment. I wanted that text to be from Kayla really badly. But it could be worse, I guess. Girls night out does sound fun, and it’s much needed with Hurricane Jenna here.

Me: Only if you wear your hooker boots.

Kelly: Hooker heels?

Me: Okay.

Kelly: Hazel’s good. We’re watching a movie.

Me: Good. Thank you.

Kelly: I haven’t been out in forever. Take a nap tomorrow, we’re staying out late.

Me: This better not be a setup with that guy you want me to go out with.

Kelly: Bahahaha it’s not but that’s a really good idea.

Me: I’ll pick you up at 6.

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