Dear Bridget, I Want You - Page 58

I laughed. “You’re really disgusting.”

Simon reached around to my ass and pulled me closer to him. His face turned serious and his voice was low. “Oh yeah? But you love me anyway, right?”

Ben was the only man I’d ever said those words to. I’d known for a while that I was falling in love with Simon, but since I never really believed that he’d be saying those words to me, I didn’t bother to freak out about how I might feel saying them aloud the first time. Now here it was suddenly, and I felt panicked.

I stared at him like a deer in the headlights.

Simon blew out a shaky breath. “Talk to me, Bridget. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“I’m scared.” I finally managed to croak out.

“That makes two of us. I’m fucking terrified.”

“What if it doesn’t work out, Simon?”

“What if it does?”

“What if you’re miserable here in the States and go back home in a few months?”

“What if I stay forever and we’re happy?”

I looked down. Simon was being so honest and putting so much on the line, I needed to do the same. A tear streaked down my face. “I’ve never said those words to anyone except for…”

Simon closed his eyes and nodded. “Except for your husband.”

I reached out and took Simon’s hand, placing it over my heart. “Do you feel that? You made it beat again. It’s yours. I couldn’t have changed that even if you’d decided to go back to England.”

Simon cupped both my cheeks. “The words aren’t important. You’ll say them when you’re ready.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you, Bridget Valentine. I’ll just tell you twice as much for now.”I’d never given any thought to the difference between having sex and making love before. But what Simon and I experienced tonight was definitely the latter. He truly made love to me. It was beautiful and moving, and if I had any doubt that the words he’d shared with me earlier in the night weren’t genuine, I was certain now. You couldn’t fake what just happened between us. Game changing. Life changing.

My head rested on his firm chest as he stroked my damp hair. “That was…” he said. “…I don’t know what that was, but I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

“I know. It was magical. Makes you almost want to never do it again because there’s nowhere to go but down from that.”

I suddenly found myself lifted into the air and flipped onto my back. Simon hovered over me. “Not a fucking chance, woman.”

I giggled. “You sound a little like a caveman.”

Simon caressed my cheek. “How do you want this to work, luv?”

“What do you mean?”

“Should I take that apartment I found?”

God, there was so much to think about. “I don’t know, Simon. I guess I need a little time for this all to sink in. It’s not just me that I have to worry about. Brendan is already attached to you, and I’m not sure he’s ready to see you in my bed.”

Simon searched my eyes. “Sweetheart, where are we right now?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking? We’re at my house, of course.”

“Yes, but where?”

“In the converted garage. In your room.”

“Why aren’t we in your room? I asked you where you wanted to go. All of your stuff is in your room. This room is practically empty.”

I opened my mouth to say it wasn’t what he thought, and then closed it.

Simon’s smile warmed my heart. He brushed his lips across mine. “It’s okay. Brendan isn’t the only one who needs some time. Take all that you need. I’m not going anywhere anymore, and you’re worth the wait.”The doorbell rang while I was finishing up in the shower. Bridget had just left for the grocery store, and I’d planned to fix the flat on her bicycle while she was out. We thought we’d surprise Brendan and take him to the bike trail that ran through town later today when he got home. Hopping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and yelled, “One minute!” so I could pull on some pants before opening the front door. But as I passed the window in the kitchen, I saw the truck parked outside and thought better of putting on clothes.

“Nick—buddy. How’s it going?” I opened the door and smiled broadly.

Nolan looked me up and down. “It’s Nolan. I thought you didn’t live here anymore?”

I hung onto the top of the door and made sure to flex. “Ah. That was a little misunderstanding. I’d just returned from a trip back home to England. But I’m back now. So we won’t be needing your services anymore. I can take care of the bedroom for Bridget. Sorry to make you come out here this morning. We would have called earlier, but we slept in after being up half the night. You know how it goes when you get back from a trip, mate.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024