Rebel Heart (Rush Series Duet 2) - Page 65

“I don’t get it.”

Tony put his arm around my shoulder and started walking us toward the house. “Turns out, I’m a keen judge of character, son. Figured it would be easier to stick all those boxes in there rather than having to unload the trailer all over again when you finally pulled your head out of your ass.”It still seemed surreal.

I rubbed my stomach as I looked out the window at Rush talking with my father. The baby was kicking up a storm. Maybe he or she could sense my stress. Even if this wasn’t good for the baby, I just couldn’t be calm right now.

The longer Rush lingered outside, the more scared I was that he might have changed his mind.

What were they talking about?

I watched as he took one box from my dad and walked it over to the house.

After they returned to the car, they shook hands. My father pulled Rush into a hug and patted him on the back. Then Dad drove off—with the trailer. My stuff! Why was Rush not helping my father unload my things if I wasn’t going anywhere?

I started to panic. Had Rush told Dad to take my things back to the City after all? Was he already having second thoughts?

The front door slammed shut, and my heart pounded. Rush’s quick footsteps matched the rhythm of my fervent heartbeat.

He stood in the doorway, and we just stared at each other for a bit. Rush looked like he was ready to attack me—in a good way. That both excited me and made me nervous because I was still confused about where things stood.

I had to know. “Why did my father just leave with all of my stuff? Did you tell him to take everything back to the City after all?”

His expression soured as he slowly approached me. “What? Did you not hear a word I said to you earlier?”

“Yes, but—”

“Did you not hear me say I would never let you down again?”

“Yes, of course I did, but my stuff was—”

“Doesn’t matter.” Rush’s eyes were burning with intensity.

He placed his hand on his belt and began to remove it before throwing it to the side. He unzipped his pants and pushed his jeans down, letting them fall to the ground. My formerly vibrating pussy was now full-on throbbing at the sight of his engorged cock bobbing against his abdomen. Holy hell, I needed it inside of me.

Even if he had told me he’d changed his mind, I was pretty sure I might’ve had to beg him to fuck me right now regardless.

Rush pulled me into him and I felt his stiff erection against my belly. “Look at me,” he demanded.

I arched my head to meet his incendiary stare.

“I’m gonna say it one more time. I will never let you down again. I don’t care whether or not you thought your dad was driving away with your stuff. You need to trust me, no matter what. Do you understand?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Your stuff is in the garage. Your father never even put it in the trailer.”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “What?”

“The man is smarter than both of us. He knew I wouldn’t be able to let you go.”

My mouth hung open. Any amount of time I had to ponder my father’s actions was short-lived when Rush placed his mouth at my ear. “I need your clothes off…need to be inside you. I can’t wait any longer.”

My nipples stiffened as I slipped my dress over my head before unsnapping my bra. My breasts tingled as they hit the cold air.

Rush dropped to his knees before placing both hands on my stomach and gently kissed the taut skin over my navel. He stopped to stare up at me, a look of torment in his eyes. “I missed it growing. I missed so much. You got so much bigger.”

I ran my fingers through his hair. “It’s gonna get a lot bigger than this. And you’ll be here for all of it.”

He closed his eyes and continued kissing me. It was so sweet, yet sensual and erotic.

As he continued kissing over my stomach, he said, “I’ve been dreaming of doing this. You’re so fucking sexy. I can’t take it…this body…”

I laughed. “You’re crazy.”

Rush was almost in a trance. He kissed lower and lower until I could feel his mouth over my underwear. He pulled my panties down, then began to devour me. I gasped at the feeling of his tongue lashing at my clit. It felt like it had been ages since I’d felt this sensation. The pressure was so intense that I nearly came over his mouth on the spot.

Before it got to that point, he suddenly got up. I looked down and salivated at the sight of his erection. I desperately needed him inside of me.

He looped his fingers through mine and led me over to the bed.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024