Rebel Heir (Rush Series Duet 1) - Page 14

The woman smiled at me. But it wasn’t in the typical I-want-to-claw-your-eyes-out jealous woman kind of way. Of course, that made me assume that Rush had spent the last hour amusing her with stories about me that made me look like an idiot.

“Don’t believe anything he says about me. I’m really not a bad employee.”

She smiled some more and tilted her head. “He had nothing but nice things to say about you. That’s…unlike Rush.”

“Umm. Okay. Thanks. I guess?”

Rush walked back over. He looked at me. “Your friend is an airhead. Not only did she announce she was taking the drawer to the office. When I went back to check on her, she had the door wide open and her back to it. I’d fire her ass if I didn’t think I’d have to listen to you bitch about it for a month.”

My hands went to my hips. “I don’t bitch at you.”

The woman stood and wrapped her hand around Rush’s bicep. “I should be going. I don’t want my husband to know I was here.”

Rush nodded. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” He looked at me. “Be back in a few.”

My mouth was still hanging open when he came back to the bar a few minutes later. It wasn’t my place, but I couldn’t help myself.

“You know, I’m really disappointed in you.”

He pulled his head back with the audacity to look surprised. “Me? What the hell did I do?”

“After the way your mother was treated by your father. How could you?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Lauren. She’s married! You can have any woman you want.” I waved my hand up and down in front of him. “You’re gorgeous, got that stupid, hot, bad-boy thing going on that women love, and to top it off, you have money, but don’t act like it. Why in the world do you need to go out with a married woman?”

A sly grin spread across his face. “You think I’m hot.”

“That’s what you took out of what I just said?”

Rush leaned down so he was eye level with me, his nose practically touching mine. “Lauren is definitely a married woman. But she’s my half-brother’s wife, not my fucking date.”

“I don’t…wait…what did you say?”

He scowled. “My brother’s wife.”

“But why would she be here? I thought you and your brother didn’t get along?”

“We don’t. That’s why she stopped in. She’s trying to talk me into coming to some ridiculous thirtieth birthday party she’s throwing for him. I don’t like my brother, but his wife is a nice lady. Although I have no clue why she’s married to that asshole.”


“Yeah. Oh.” Rush mimicked me.

I had to admit, the relief I felt upon realizing that Rush wasn’t hooking up with her was a little disconcerting.

I thought he was about to go off on me for making assumptions and jumping to the wrong conclusion, but instead he smiled again. “So. You think I’m hot…”

“Forget I ever said that.”

“Sorry. Too late.” He offered a sly smile and pointed to his head. “Ingrained in here now.”


Rush leaned into the bar, balancing his body on his strong, tattooed forearms. “What brings you by here on a non-work night? You miss me that much?”

He was so close that I could smell his delicious, woodsy, smoky scent. It literally made me weak.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m returning Riley’s car. I borrowed it for the day. But actually, I did want to thank you.”

“For what?”

“Well, I took your advice and went to see a couple of movies to clear my head—like you said your mother used to do. Totally got the creative juices flowing.”

“Well, I’m always happy to get your juices flowing.”

I could feel my face heat up. “Creative juices.”

He winked. “Right.”

Riley came around the corner, looking eager to leave. “You ready to go?”

Rush answered for me, “Gia’s gonna stay for a drink. I’ll drive her home.”

I turned to him. “You’re so bossy. Who says I want to stay for a drink?” Despite giving him lip, I handed her the keys. “Go ahead without me.”

She looked skeptically between Rush and me. “Okaaay. Suit yourself. See ya.”

Once we were alone, I said, “What’s the catch, Rush? What do I have to say to earn my free drink tonight?”

He took a daiquiri glass out from under the counter and slammed it down on the wooden bar top. “The word of the night is cock.”

I shook my head. “Original.”

Rush poured and mixed a concoction then presented me with a red drink I’d never seen before. He’d even added a cherry and a little purple umbrella.

“What is it?”

He slid it closer to me. “It’s a French Kiss.”

“What does that have in it?”

“Vodka, raspberry liqueur, Gran Marnier and dash of whipped cream.”

I took a sip. It was really good. “Mmm. Thank you very much for this cocktail.”

“Ah!” He laughed. “That was weak, but I set myself up for that one.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024