Rebel Heir (Rush Series Duet 1) - Page 20

Amy. Redhead. Killer curves. Liked to hang around The Heights and try to distract me. The last thing I needed was another distraction at work.

Blair. Into some weird, kinky shit. Not that I minded, but that type of thing needs a certain mood that I just wasn’t feeling today.

Chelsea. Saw her around town last week holding hands with some preppy-looking dude. I didn’t have many rules in life, except I don’t touch what belongs to someone else. Delete.

Darryl. Texted me Memorial Day and said she wouldn’t be out until August this year. I couldn’t hold out that long.

Everly. Damn. Everly.

If anyone could help me take my mind off of things, it was that woman. Best head I’d ever had in my life. We’d been together a few times last summer, and she’d messaged me a few weeks ago to tell me she was back in town. The best part of being with Everly was that she made me feel used. She’d tell me exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it, and after we were done—she’d get up, get dressed, and peck my cheek before saying Thanks. See ya around.

Perfect. Just what I needed.

My finger hovered over her name while I debated hitting her up. After a few minutes, I tossed my phone on the couch. What the fuck is wrong with me? I was acting like Everly was some foul-tasting medicine I had to take in order to get over the flu. When in fact, there was nothing wrong with me.

Stop acting like such a pussy.

Before I could overthink it anymore, I picked up my phone again and shot off a quick text. Why not leave it up to fate? Who knows, maybe she’d met someone and wouldn’t be down for a hookup anymore.Rush: HeyI had to laugh at myself after hitting send. Great opening line. Took you ten minutes of debating to come up with that shit. Smooth, Rush. Real smooth.

Less than a minute later, my phone buzzed with a response.Everly: Your place or mine.Fuck. My head fell back against the couch. Guess fate thinks I need to get laid, too. At least it would keep my mouth off Gia and mind off a cigarette. Wait. No. That should be my mouth off a cigarette and mind off of Gia. Or maybe not.

I dragged two hands through my hair, then took a deep breath and exhaled loudly before saying fuck it.Rush: Yours.Everly was basically the female version of me. The old me anyway. Blunt, to the point, and treated sex as mutual pleasure exchanged between two bodies. Emotions weren’t part of it.

The dots jumped around while she typed back.Everly: Be here in an hour…or I start without you.I scrubbed my hands over my face and decided I wouldn’t spend any more time feeling guilty. There was no reason to feel guilty. Gia was an employee, and maybe a friend in a loose sense of the word. I didn’t owe her celibacy just because I liked to look at her ass and drive her home. Fuck that.

Even though I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I couldn’t shake the odd, angry feeling I had. That feeling continued while I made myself something to eat and started to get ready to go to Everly’s place. Normally, I liked to blast music while I showered, but tonight I was so off that I hadn’t remembered to turn the tunes on. Which was why I was able to hear my phone ringing from the other room.

The first time I ignored it.

The second time, I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist while cursing.

“What?” I barked into the phone. Water dripped all over the floor from my soaking wet hair.

“Boss. It’s Oak.”

“Whatever it is, deal with it. I’m not on tonight. I’m going out.”

“But it’s Gia, Rush.”

Jesus Christ. Could we all just pretend that she didn’t exist for tonight so I can go get laid in peace. “Just deal with whatever it is.”


“Deal with it!”

I was just about to hang up when he spoke again. “She got hurt, boss. Stepped into the middle of a fight that broke out at the bar. Thought you’d want to know.”

My heart felt like it started to ricochet against my ribcage. “Where is she? Is she alright?”

“She’ll be fine. She’s sitting in the office. But she took a good pop to the eye. Probably gonna have a shiner.”

“I’ll be right there.”Even Oak looked nervous when he saw my face. Steam might have been coming out my ears with how hot my temper was running. I stalked directly to the office, ignoring anyone who attempted to speak to me.

Gia jumped from the chair when I swung open the door. Something fell to the floor as her hand flew to her chest.

“You scared the crap out of me, Rush!”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024