Rebel Heir (Rush Series Duet 1) - Page 72

Okay, so maybe I did think he was a boy.

I continued to stare in awe. I saw fingers move, toes, lips, a long neck and was that…

My excitement must’ve gotten the best of me. I pointed to what I thought was a penis. “Is that his…”

The technician laughed. “No. That’s actually a whole foot.”

Gia had turned her head and was watching me instead of the screen. Her face glowed and she looked so beautiful. Without giving it any thought, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Okay. So maybe I do sort of think it’s a boy.”

The technician finished scanning Gia’s belly and then printed off a few pictures. “First refrigerator pictures, Mom,” she said handing them to Gia. “I’m not supposed to give any results or anything, but everything looks great. Why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll have the group PA pop in to answer any questions you might have today since you’re not due to see the doctor at this visit.” She handed a bunch of paper towels to Gia. “To clean up the gel.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

The technician left us alone in the room, and Gia wiped a few tears, then began to wipe off her belly. I took the paper towels from her hand and cleaned up the mess. It had seemed perfectly natural to do, but after I’d done it, I noticed Gia was looking at me funny. “I could’ve done that.”

I tossed the paper towels in the garbage, and when I turned back around, Gia sat up on the exam table. Her gown that had been untied and pushed up, fell open. She had on a black lacy bra, and her tits were practically spilling out of the cups. Gia traced what my eyes were glued to and looked down. “I’ve gained six pounds so far, and it all seems to have went to my boobs.”

I swallowed. “Pregnancy definitely agrees with you.”

She put her hand on her belly. “I’m not looking forward to getting fat.”

Apparently her swollen breasts made me delirious. Because the thought of a curvy Gia with a big, round, full belly and a little sag to her perky tits actually had me getting hard in the doctor’s office. “You’re going to be fucking sexy pregnant.”

She thought I was trying to make her feel better. Standing from the exam table, she pointed to the chair behind me. “You’ll have to keep lying to me as I start to waddle. Can you hand me my shirt?”

Even though her gown had just been wide open, Gia turned her back to me to change into her shirt. She wasn’t normally modest about her body, so it made me think she really did think she wasn’t attractive pregnant.

A knock at the door came before I could set her straight. The PA entered and extended her hand to both of us. “I’m Jessica Abbot. I’ll be seeing you from time to time over the course of your pregnancy. Usually it’s after a sonogram or calling you with lab results. I just took a quick look at your sonogram and everything is measuring to the due date we originally anticipated. Your baby looks happy and healthy. Are there any questions you have for me today, about the sonogram or otherwise?”

Gia shook her head. “I don’t think so, no.”

“Okay. Well, you can keep up with your regular, non-pregnancy activities. Work, sleep, sex—all as usual.”

Gia glanced at me and then to the PA. “Is it normal for pregnancy to…affect your libido?”

“Yes. Very. Many women experience a decrease in their sex drive during their pregnancy. Often it’s in the first trimester and then it comes back with a vengeance toward the end.”


I looked over at Gia. Her face was turning pink. She was embarrassed to ask something…maybe because I was standing next to her. I pointed to the door. “Do you want me to give you two a minute to talk?”

Gia shook her head before taking a deep breath, then turned back to the PA and said, “I think I have the opposite problem.”

The PA smiled. “Oh. I’m sorry. I misread what you were asking. Yes, it’s definitely normal to have a heightened sex drive. Every woman’s experience is individual to that particular pregnancy, and some will have an increased sexual appetite that fluctuates, whereas others might have no desire for the entire pregnancy. But you’re young and healthy, so there’s no reason not to enjoy yourself if the urge is stronger than normal.”

Fuck. Gia just told this woman that she was horny. All. The. Time.

“So…any kind of sex is okay then? I won’t hurt the baby?”

What the hell was she getting at?

“As long as you aren’t physically challenging yourself too much, yes. Your partner won’t hurt the baby, if that’s what your fear is.” She glanced at me and then back to Gia. “It’s actually a common concern in couples. So I’m glad you’re asking if it’s been weighing on your mind.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Rush Series Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024