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Hate Notes

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Iris blinked twice. “Come again?”

I laughed. “Well, technically he didn’t physically knock me over. He just scared me while I was lunging. And my chat with his ex consisted of her huffing a lot and being rude before she hung up in my ear.”

Iris smiled. “That sounds like Allison.”

“But on the other hand, I got him to go to church twice, and tonight I have my first climbing lesson, so I guess you could say that even though he’ll never admit it, we sort of have influenced each other in a positive way.”

“Church? Climbing? I think you need to back up a bit, dear. You lost me after Allison acting like a bitch.”

“Well, it all started with my Fuck-It List. Excuse my French. You actually helped inspire the start of the list. After our long talk in the ladies’ room and you giving me this great new job, I decided to make a list of things that I wanted to do.”

“Like a bucket list.”

“Yes. Except I’m not planning on dying anytime soon, so I called it a fuck-it list.”

“Creative. Go on.”

“Well, long story short, I told Reed about my list, and one night I found that he’d started his own list.”

Something in Iris’s face changed. “My grandson made a bucket list?”

“Yeah. I know. I couldn’t believe it, either. But that’s how I found out about his secret dream of singing in the choir. So I did some research and found out that the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir had tryouts coming up and told Reed about it.”

Iris looked pretty shocked. “And he went?”

“He did. Twice. He didn’t wind up trying out because he needs to work on his voice, but I think it was nice that he went. And I added rock climbing to my list after he said he was a climber. I’ve always wanted to try it. It seems like a badass hobby.”

“Reed is taking you rock climbing?”

“Oh. No. I said we’re tolerating each other and influencing from a distance. I think we’re a long way off from playdates. He just mentioned it was a hobby of his, and I thought I’d check it out. I found an open class over on Sixty-Second Street that starts tonight at seven.”

“I see. Well, as long as he isn’t being difficult for you.”

“He’s not. It’s funny, the harder he tries to be difficult, the more I see that it’s a wall he puts up to keep people out. I know it’s none of my business, but I have the urge to slap that Allison for whatever she did to him.”

A warm smile spread across Iris’s face. “You’ve got my grandson’s number. Do me a favor? Don’t give up on him. I promise if he lets you in, it’s worth all the effort. Even if it’s just friendship.”

I nodded.

Since we were done for the day, I cleaned up the papers spread out all over the table in her office and said good night. Iris stopped me on the way out.



“One last thing. If we ever have the opportunity to slap that Allison, you’ll have to get in line behind me.”

I grinned from ear to ear. “No problem. Have a good night, Iris.”CHAPTER 20


Apparently I’d decided on a new path to exit the office these days.

Even though I’d been leaving the same way every night for the last eight years—turning left out of my office, right down the long hallway, and straight out the main entrance—now I automatically go right, then left, then right, and weave around cubicles like a rat in a maze to work my way to the front door. It takes twice as long, and I’d never admit that I took the extra steps to pass Charlotte’s office, yet there was an unwelcome disappointment inside of me when I saw that her door was already closed tonight.

Grandmother’s office was located only a few doors down from Charlotte’s, and she walked out carrying her coat just as I passed.

“Oh. Reed. I didn’t realize you were still here. I stopped by before, but your light was off.”

“I had an appointment downtown but stopped back in to grab some files for my morning showing. Did you need something?”

“Umm. Yes, actually. Do you remember my friend Helen?”



“Well, her grandson has recently taken up rock climbing, and apparently he’s bought some second-rate gear. His eighteenth birthday is coming up next week, and you know Helen, she’s having a party that is bigger than most weddings. I thought it would be nice if I purchased him some new gear as a gift. I’m sure it would put Helen’s mind at ease, too. Only . . . I have no idea what to buy.”

“I can help pick some things out. Why don’t I show you some sites online tomorrow when I get back in the afternoon, and we can order stuff for next week.”

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