Hate Notes - Page 75

I needed more.

Turning my body toward her, I laid my head on her stomach, trying to salvage any trace of sanity. There was none. I closed my eyes as I lowered my head to her legs, spreading her knees apart. Charlotte let out a slight, nervous giggle.

“You think this is funny?” I said as I voraciously kissed her inner thighs.

“I do. I—” She stopped talking the moment my mouth landed hard on her pussy, which was completely bare. I couldn’t get enough of her soft skin as my tongue swirled over her swollen flesh. My scruff might have been scratching her, but she didn’t seem to mind. Her throbbing clit was evidence of that.

Just this once, I kept telling myself. Never in my life had I wanted to weep into a vagina until now. Because the thought of never having this again was torture. This taste, this pussy, this woman . . . would be the end of me. In my bones, in my heart, I knew that Charlotte was made for me. And giving her up would be like a slap in the face of the very universe who’d sent her to me.

I had no idea how I was going to let her go.

“You taste better than I could have ever imagined.”

With her hands wrapped around my head, Charlotte pushed me deeper into her. This woman whom I’d lusted after for so long was suddenly coming against my mouth. It felt surreal. I hadn’t expected her to climax so soon. My dick was ready to explode.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Don’t you apologize. That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced.”

“Well, then we do agree on some things,” Charlotte said as she got up and began to straddle me. “Your turn.”

“No.” Even though I was protesting, I gripped her hips and pushed her bare pussy over my rock-hard erection that was straining through my pants.

My mouth enveloped hers. Closing my eyes, I relished the feel of her heat as she ground over me. Kissing her harder, I threaded my fingers through her silky hair. Fuck if I knew how to stop this.

I spoke over her lips. “My dick stays in my pants. We can’t do anything more than this. Do you understand? This moment of vulnerability doesn’t change a goddamn thing.”

My words may have been defiant, but my actions were weak. I lifted her shirt over her head and pushed her bra up over her breasts. There were those beautiful tits I’d dreamed about since the Adirondacks. I wasted no time placing my mouth over her breast and sucking so hard one would have thought I was trying to expel nectar.

Who was I kidding? This wasn’t going to end in my favor.

My phone rang, but I ignored it.

“Do you need to get that?” she asked.

“No. Fuck it,” I growled, sucking on her breast harder.

When it continued to ring, despite several attempts to ignore it, I reluctantly pried myself away from Charlotte just long enough to check the caller ID to make sure it wasn’t an emergency.

It was Josh, the private investigator. Why would he be calling me repeatedly—unless something big was happening? That snapped me back to reality. Charlotte remained seated on my crotch as I picked up.


His tone was serious. “Eastwood . . . you might want to pack your bags and head down here as soon as possible.”CHAPTER 30


Reed looked troubled as he listened to what the caller on the other end of the line was saying. His dick was still throbbing under me through his pants. I was still on cloud nine, despite the seemingly urgent nature of his phone call.

My heart started to pound rapidly once I began to really sense that something was wrong.

“What’s going on?” I interrupted.

He held his index finger up as he continued to concentrate hard on the information he was being given.

“You need to email me all of this information as soon as possible.” He paused. “Alright. Good work, Josh. Thank you.”

He tossed his phone aside and ran his fingers through his hair. “Get dressed, Charlotte. We need to talk.”

“What’s happening?”

Reed was flustered. “Please. Just get dressed.”


After I put my clothes back on, he said, “I have to tell you something, and it’s going to upset you. But I want you to know I had the best of intentions.”

“Alright . . .”

“Charlotte, no matter what happens between us, I consider you one of the most important people in my life. I want you to have closure and peace when it comes to where you came from. I wanted to help you find your birth parents. I knew that if it were left up to you alone, it might take you years, if ever, to find them. I have a private investigator at my disposal, and I put him on the case full-time.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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