Hate Notes - Page 95

“I’m not exactly done with the gifts today,” I said.


Rubbing my hands together, I geared up for my next surprise. “So I was thinking . . . as of last check, you only have one more item on your Fuck-It List that you haven’t completed.”

Her eyeballs flitted back and forth as if she had to think about it. “Sculpt a nude man . . .”

“Yes.” I smiled nervously. “Anyway . . . I’d like to be your model.”

“Are you serious?”


My spare bedroom was now Charlotte’s art space. I had no idea if she even had the right tools to do this today, but I was hoping she’d go along with it.

“This is nuts . . . but in a good way.” She was beaming. “I would love to sculpt you.”

“Well, then I’m your man.”

“I can’t believe you actually want to do this.”

“Why not? It’s not like I want you sculpting some other dude naked, right?”

“I guess I can see your point.”

“And I’m pretty sure this will somehow end in sex. So I’m looking forward to that.”

“You’re gonna have to stand there for a while, you know.”

“I’m in it for the long haul.”

A wide smile spread across her face. “So am I, Reed.” I knew she wasn’t just referring to today.

“Remember the first night I ever came to your apartment, when I said Allison dodged a bullet?”


Placing my hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes, I said, “I was the one who dodged a bullet, Charlotte. I can’t imagine having gone on to marry her. I would have never known that my one true love was still out there. What I feel for you is beyond what I’ve ever felt in my life. Even the MS . . . everything had to happen exactly the way it did for me to be with you. I wouldn’t change anything if it still meant finding you. I will always be grateful to Allison for leaving me, because I now know that I have a deeper capacity to love than I ever thought possible. It would’ve been tragic to never realize that. I just hope I can make you as happy as you make me.”

“You’ve already made me the happiest woman in the world. I don’t know if it was the magic of the dress, or fate, or God, but something brought me to you. There was never a moment where I really doubted that I was meant to find you and meant to be yours. I always felt your love for me, even when you were trying to fight it like hell. That was what kept me from giving up on you. I will never give up on you, Reed. I’m in this for the long haul, because I want to be. Do you understand?”

“I understand that now, baby.”


I smiled. “Shall we get going into the art room?”

“After you.”

Charlotte turned the lights on and began gathering her supplies. “Normally, I would just do the torso. But I would love to try to sculpt below the waist.”

“You want to mold my cock? Do you have enough clay?” I winked.

“I can make do.”

“If you want me hard, take off your shirt. It’s only fair if I have to stand here naked for an hour that I get something to look at, too.”

To my delight, she obliged, agreeing to sculpt me with her beautiful tits hanging out.

It was fascinating to watch her so focused. She’d placed a big slab of clay onto a metal pole and used what looked like a spatula to smooth around it.

At one point, she said, “I just have to get some water. I’ll be right back.”

This was it. This was my moment to put my plan into place. I somehow had to stay hard for this to work.

Stay hard.

Stay hard.

Without Charlotte and her beautiful tits in the room, it wasn’t guaranteed. I reached over to my pants pocket and took out the small velvet pouch, tying the drawstrings to form a loop at the end. I slipped it over my still rigid cock and let the bag hang from my dick as if it were an ornament.

When she returned, I resumed my stoic pose and waited for her to notice.

A few seconds later, she looked down. “What is that?”

“What do you mean?”

“That black thing hanging from your cock.”

Stifling my laughter, I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She tilted her head. “Reed . . .”

I looked down. “Oh! This . . . yes.” I nudged my head. “Why don’t you come here and see.”

She wiped her hands and slowly approached before carefully sliding the velvet pouch off me.

“What’s inside of this, Reed?”

I took it from her. “While sculpting me nude completes your Fuck-It List for now, I happened to add a very important item to mine today, one that my life would not be complete without.” I got down on one knee and opened the pouch, taking out the two-carat, pear-shaped halo diamond engagement ring. “Charlotte Darling, will you help me make my ultimate bucket-list wish come true? Will you be my wife?”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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