Park Avenue Player - Page 16

My hand flew to my mouth to cover my smile. “What did the guy from the agency say?”

“He said he would find some appropriate YouTube instructional videos that I could watch. I looked at Uncle Hollis and said, ‘Elodie has an actual vagina’.”

Oh my God. This girl was like looking in the mirror fifteen years ago. “What happened after that?”

She shrugged. “The guy left five minutes later, and my uncle sucked back that golden stuff he usually drinks from a fancy glass after a long day.”

I bet he did.

“Anyway,” Hailey continued, “you were hired because of tampons, not because Uncle Hollis is reasonable.”

It dawned on me that she’d mentioned maxi pads the other day and now wielded a tampon like a weapon against her uncle, which meant she might actually have some feminine-product questions that were the source of her anger.

“Does your uncle buy your supplies for you when you get your period?”

She made a face and nodded.

“You’re not…using tampons, are you?” She wasn’t old enough for that.

“No, but can I use them? The other stuff is like wearing a diaper.”

“Can you show me what he buys you?”

Hailey led me into the bathroom attached to her room and opened the cabinet beneath the sink. She pulled out a package of something more appropriate for someone who was incontinent, rather than having her period.

“You’re too young for tampons. But I think we can do a lot better than these things. They must be uncomfortable. And you need wings. I’ll tell you what. After school today, we’ll take a trip to CVS and do a little shopping.”


“Why don’t you go get dressed so you’re not late for school?”

“I don’t mind being late.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you don’t. But your uncle doesn’t like lateness, and it’s your last week of school before summer break, so I think we can hack making it on time for five more days.”

“Fine.” She didn’t sound happy, but went to get dressed, nonetheless. At her bedroom door, she turned back. “Elodie?”


“I’m glad he hired you.”

Warmth spread through my chest. “Me, too, Hailey. Me, too.”Chapter 8* * *Hollis“Anna’s home!” Squawk! “Anna’s home!” Squawk! “Anna’s home!”

Just once, I wanted to come home to a different fucking greeting.

I tossed my suit jacket on the round table near the front door and walked into the kitchen. The apartment smelled damn good. “Where did you order from?”

“Hello, Hollis.” Elodie flashed me an obviously fake smile. “Did anyone ever tell you it’s customary to greet someone before you start barking at them?”

“Did anyone ever tell you you’re a pain in the ass?”

“They have, actually.”

I waited for her to answer my question about ordering in, but of course, she didn’t. Because she’s a pain in my ass. Instead, she folded her arms across her chest and perked one brow.

I sighed. “Hello, Elodie. Where did you order food from?”

“I didn’t. I cooked.”

Well, that was a surprise. “You can cook?”

“We all can cook. But I happen to be good at it. It’s one of my many hidden talents.” She winked before turning around, grabbing a potholder, and opening the oven door.

The smell of something spicy wafted through the air, and she gave me a nice view of her ass as she bent to take out whatever smelled good. I started to salivate, and I wasn’t sure whether it was the aroma or the view.

My eyes were still glued to her rear end when she set the casserole dish on top of the stove, and I almost got caught when she turned back around.

Fuck. I definitely need to get laid.

I cleared my throat. “What is that?”

“Cajun shrimp and quinoa casserole. The shrimp was on sale, and Hailey said it was one of her favorites.”

“I didn’t even realize she ate shrimp.”

She tilted her head. “Did you ask her what she liked to eat?”

I must’ve. Hadn’t I? Fuck if I knew.

I cleared my throat. “You don’t have to cook. I left you a credit card to order in.”

“I know. I used it for the groceries. And also at the drug store. Hailey needed some feminine products. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, of course not. Thank you for doing that.”

“Hailey likes cooking. I don’t have too many great memories of my parents, but the afternoons when my mom and I cooked together were some of my favorite days.”

I wanted to be a dick to this woman, but she made it hard to be when she showed a vulnerable side. I nodded. “Where’s Hailey?”

“In her room finishing up her math homework.”

“Impressive. She usually does that at nine o’clock at night in front of the living room television.”

“That’s because you let her do that.”

I loosened my tie. “I pick and choose my battles.”

Elodie pointed to the casserole dish. “That needs to cool for ten minutes before you serve it. I’m just going to go say goodbye to Hailey.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024