Park Avenue Player - Page 29

“Unless you want me to leave Hailey here and go back to the city to pick him up.”

I sighed and grumbled, “No. I’ll get him.”

“Boy, you’re just loving me today, aren’t you?”

If she only knew the thoughts in my head when it came to her.

“Goodbye, Elodie.”

“You can’t say hello properly, but you certainly have no problem saying goodbye.” She laughed.***Later that afternoon, as I attempted to finish my work so I could get out in time for my chauffeuring duties, Addison walked into my office.

“What?” I snapped before she could even speak.

“What the hell has gotten into you? You’re even crabbier than usual today.”

I stopped typing and swiveled my chair toward her. “If you must know, Addison, I can’t seem to get through the day without people interrupting me—my nanny being at the top of that list. First, she asks me to go pick them up tonight in Connecticut, which is fine, except now because she’s there and I’m here, I have to go pick up the damn bird from an animal hospital he shouldn’t even be in.”

“What’s wrong with Huey?”

“Puffy feathers and an alleged infection that probably would’ve gone away on its own. Elodie insisted on taking him there. She’s a pain in my ass. So infuriating... So...” My words trailed off.

Addison smirked. “Oh my God.”


“You totally have a thing for her.”

My jaw ticked. “What are you talking about?”

“You never let women get under your skin like this. And I’ve seen her—she’s gorgeous. I think you’re starting to fall for Elodie. And it’s pissing you off. That’s why you’re so crabby.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous? I’d be willing to bet my car that you two will end up in bed in three months’ time—if that long.”

“You’re insane. Your Bentley?”

“Yes. My precious Bentley. I have nothing to worry about, so I can safely say that if you haven’t slept with her in three months, I’ll give it to you.”

“That’s your prized possession.”

“That’s right.”

I returned to the email I’d been working on. I banged on the keyboard and spoke at the same time. “I don’t want your car, Addison.”

“Well, you won’t be getting it.”

I stopped typing. “I’m not going to sleep with Elodie. Not only does she drive me nuts, but Hailey loves her. I would never jeopardize that relationship by inserting myself into it.”

“Oh, you’ll be inserting something, alright.”

I laughed. “Get the fuck out of here.”

I did love my relationship with my business partner. We could talk to each other like two guys hanging out at the bar.

I looked down at my phone. “Shit. I still have to call Davidson.”

“I’ll handle the call with Davidson. You’re all wound up, and from what you told me, you have a lot of shit to do tonight. Why don’t you leave early for the first time in your career?”

“Not my style, Addison. You know that.”

She intentionally pushed my buttons. “Yeah, well neither is driving around birds or trekking up to Connecticut on a Friday night. This nanny sure has you wrapped around her finger.”

“And you sure know how to fucking annoy me.” I was sweating. “On second thought, maybe I do need a breather.” I stood up. “Take the call with Davidson.”***The vet’s office was mobbed. There were four people in line in front of me before I could even tell them I was there to pick up my damn bird.

About the time it was going to be my turn, everyone’s attention went to a man who waltzed in with a goat. A fucking goat!

He cut in line.

“Excuse me, gorgeous,” he said to the woman at the desk. He had an Australian accent. “I have a bit of an emergency. The family and I are in the city visiting my sister who just moved here. We drove all the way from California. Anyway, we were walking down the street when a loud popping sound came from under the ground. Still don’t understand what it was—an explosion of some kind. Everyone’s alright. But Pixy here…well, he fainted. He does that from time to time when he’s startled. But this time, he hit his head pretty badly on the pavement. Ever since, he’s seemed a bit disoriented. So, I want to get his head checked.”

I was pretty sure this guy was the one who needed his head checked.

The woman came around from behind the desk and bent down. “He’s so cute.”

Everyone in this damn office was now swooning over a goat. Wait. Not just a goat—a goat in a damn diaper.

“He’s normally potty trained,” the man added. “But when he’s nervous, he gets the shits. Thus, the diaper.”

Thanks a lot, Elodie. Thanks a lot for getting me into this clusterfuck.

“Excuse me,” I finally interrupted. “Shits aside, I’m just here to pick up my bird. Can someone please bring him out?”

“You’ll have to wait your turn, sir.”

“Technically, it is my turn. This gentleman and his goat cut in front of me.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024